Environment Setup Complete

The environment setup is now complete. The last of my problems in the setup of the apogee python package were:

  1. was downloading a working gfortran compiler from GCC (the previous one did not work for some reason).
  2. As well as the setup.py file needing to be updated to download the most recent version of FERRE as the previous version was no longer available. (setup.py: line 56, http://www.as.utexas.edu/~hebe/ferre/)

So far I’ve been playing with the package. Mainly the FERRE wrapper.

To do this, I generated gifs of changing parameter(s) values while holding the rest of the generated values static. Some examples to of this are below (click for larger view).

The purpose of these gifs were to get use to FERRE and just see what the data looks like. To get gifs of multiple parameters being dynamic, it’d take a little more work if we would like to go in that direction. The main question would be what order to display the plots when multiple parameters are changing.


Figure 1: Varies Teff parameter while holding the rest constant.


Figure 2: Varies [N/M] parameter while holding the rest constant.


Figure 3: Varies [M/H] parameter while holding the rest constant.


Figure 4: Varies logg parameter while holding the rest constant.


Figure 5: Varies [C/M] parameter while holding the rest constant.


Figure 6: Varies [α/M] parameter while holding the rest constant.



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