What a Snooze!

Sleep, it’s a majestic act that we do, or at least try to do, everyday. We crave it at night, and we cannot seem to let go in the morning. The best part about sleep, is that you don’t even have to do anything, and yet it is the best hobby. Your body cannot fight sleep; we are ticking time bombs that need sleep in order to recover from all the things we do in a day. However, we cannot always assume that everyone is going to get the same amount or comfort of sleep. For example, those less fortune might not even have a bed to rest on. Others, cannot physically fall asleep due sleep, even though the body relies on it. These are only fragments of examples that could lead someone to seek an aid to restfully fall asleep.

Vicks does a comical approach in influencing their audience to consider taking these sleeping aid, ZZZQuil. Of course Vicks is extremely well-known for their cough medicine, Nyquil. Another fan favorite is Vicks Vapor Rub, also mainly used for treating a stuffy or runny nose. Vicks alone has been around since the late 1800’s, that is a great amount to gain a reliable reputation and trust from consumers. Vicks originated as a small cold remedy company created by a pharmacist, Lunsford Richardson. The small company soon bloomed with the help of free samples, billboards and newspaper advertisement. Because the company was such a success, it soon started to manufacture cough drops and thus the products that are sold today.

This ad highly stands out from other sleeping aid advertisements because of the humor of the commercial and also because of the accessibility of this medication. The laughable approach makes this advertisement unique and it draws the consumer in. It creates a sense of trust and a funny, yet memorable, product to potentially use. In addition to this, the accessibility to ZZZQuil is much too easy for those over 18. The sleeping aid is an over the counter drug, with a low cost. Since the access to this drug is very convenient, it will attract a diverse population of consumers versus a prescription sleeping aid.

An aspect of this advertisement commercial that makes this product more inclusive, is  whom is in the commercial. Vicks, included potential patients that could use this mediation; this includes men and women of varies ages (all over 18 of course). Another double taking aspect of this advertisement is the execution and style of the commercial. This advertisement shows individuals in a deep sleep, deep enough where it is funny and entertaining. We all know, that no one looks like sleeping beauty when they are in deep sleep, we all toss and turn and some of us even snore. Even though the actors and actresses in this commercial look “silly”, the sleep that they are portraying looks extremely comfortable. It is an unbothered sleep that is craved by those who have a rough time falling asleep.

Because the advertisement is a commercial, it is nearly accessible for anyone who has a television. However, because of the trends of this society, YouTube has also become a popular platform that shows advertisements between videos. Thus, virtually anyone who has a television and/or computer can be exposed to this ad. Of course, it might not affect some like it does to others, for example, those who clearly have trouble falling asleep might be more inclined to try the product. And again, because Vicks has been around for a long time, it has gain the status of being trust worthy and safe, even if that is not the case.

The active ingredient in ZZZQuil is named Diphenhydramine HCL, which according to Vicks “is not habit forming”. This is a sleeping aid that helps people fall asleep quicker and stay asleep between seven to eight hours. Although it is not habit forming, it could become necessary for some consumers to use it more than occasionally. Also, an idea that must also be discussed is for those who might use this come often can create a tolerance for this medication. This could lead to other serious matters, such as maybe trying something with a stronger active ingredient. Dependency could also be generated, if the first time trying it worked wonderfully, why not continue to try it for future occasions.

An interesting point to also consider about this advertisement, is the lack of side effects announced. This add does not announce any side effects at any time during the commercial. It also excludes, how much should be consumed and how often. If consumers solely rely on the commercial, it deprives them from the entire information from the drug that must be discussed. And because there at times we have a misconception of over the counter drugs being always “safe”, some might not look into further detail on the side effects when purchasing the medicine. Nevertheless, some side effects include but are not limited to, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and constipation, none of which are listed in this specific advertisement.

Although celebrities aren’t used in this advertisement, or the excess use of weasel words, Vicks is still very successful in selling this product to their consumers do to their simplicity. Sleep is obviously something that we all experience, we are biologically wired to sleep when out body needs it the most. However, this ad does use excess expressions to demonstrate how powerful the product actually is, making you fall asleep no matter what. For example, a couple is shown where one person is on top of their partners face. We all know this would be very uncomfortable to sleep through, but the message is about being able to fall asleep no matter what, no matter the position. In addition to this, the ending shows a person waking up with a big smile on their face, clearly happy they took ZZZQuil as their sleeping aid. Of course, this ad wants to show only the positive aspects of the medicine, and perhaps hide some of the negative effects that could arise.

Although the advertisement is amusing and very entertaining, I do not see myself using this product nor would I recommend it to others. Dependency could be formed if the first try was a good experience. Overall, through this ad, it seems as if nothing bad could ever happen, this is due in part because no side effects were said nor displayed, leaving the consumer without the full knowledge that they need.

Although it may not be for everyone, natural remedies and other lifestyle changes could potentially help, such as teas, not eating too late at night or doing small meditations. Also, not everyone can have such privilege but, having a set routine of what time to go to sleep can also make a great impact. Other alternative could also be viewed in further detail by those who lack sleep.




Vicks History. (n.d.). Retrieved November 02, 2017, from https://vicks.com/en-us/vicks-history


Zzzquil Oral : Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures, Warnings & Dosing. (n.d.). Retrieved November 02, 2017, from https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-161075/zzzquil-oral/details


Diphenhydramine. (n.d.). Retrieved November 02, 2017, from https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682539.html