
One in three Americans are diagnosed with high blood pressure. Fortunately, this statistic can be reduced by tackling behavioral risk factors early. At eight years old, children are building behaviors, making connections, and are at the perfect age to learn about health. This kid-friendly animated drawing explains hypertension in relatable terms and it leaves kids with some healthy ways to avoid hypertension and live a healthy life.



20 thoughts on “Hypertention

  1. I really liked your animated drawing board! I thought the music in the background, along with the speaking and the drawings worked really well together. The facts that were used in the video were also very helpful!

  2. Great job! I think the video was very informational and descriptive. It is a very cute video, I like the little heart people!

  3. I love the music!! The drawings are also very cute and make the information/take away messages easier to understand!

  4. The music matched really go well with the video. It made it really interesting and seemed up beat like you wanted to really help people reduce the risk of hypertension.

  5. I liked the simple explanation of what hypertension is. Even though you directed it towards elementary age children I think adults could benefit from watching it as well as it breaks down hypertension and how to avoid it in a great way.

  6. Really good work on the drawings. The music helped make the video more fun and interesting, which also makes it more appropriate for younger audiences. The only thing I may have changed would have been to speed up the video slightly.

  7. I think you guys did a great job explaining something that’s more complex so that kids would understand it! The heart person was really cute too!

  8. Your background music was good and had good sound quality with the people talking behind it. You did a good job aiming the drawing board at children. The drawings were really good too! Thank you!

  9. So cute! Very animated and love the music behind it, makes it light and happy! Great job catering towards your audience. Good info and good drawings!

  10. I like the different examples you give to reduce your risk of hypertension: playing outside, eating healthy, seeing your doctor regularly. The music was a good touch to help everything flow smoothly.

  11. I really liked the music and the drawings were really cute. I thought it would be perfect for children. I liked that you used different voices in the video, that made it more interesting. I also thought it was really good you gave a site for somewhere else to get more information and to talk to parents. Great job!

  12. I like the background music! It’s cute. I also like how you used a heart as the character. It makes it easier to watch. I think that even little kids would want to watch this! It was also really informative but not in a way where people stop listening. Good job!

  13. The music in the background of your drawing board was adorable, and definitely contributed to make it age appropriate to your audience. The drawings were really cute and colorful. The advice you gave was appropriate to your age group. Overall, this was a great drawing board that would be really informative for young kids!

  14. Your drawing board was pretty much the only kid friendly one so far. You guys did a really good job of explaining what it was to little kids but still keeping it positive. And the music really helped keep it light and positive.

  15. Wow you guys, I love the music. It’s really good, and is super educational for kids. The drawings are definitely a plus and the facts that you guys use complement the whole drawing board very well. It’s super cute. I can’t think of many suggestions, maybe just to show more healthy foods to eat.

  16. I like the consistent use of the heart as your “main character” throughout the video. It really ties it together and I think that kids would enjoy watching it because of that. Your representation of statistics was also cool, like the three hearts, where two are red and one is black to show the 1/3rd statistic instead of writing out the numbers.

  17. Really great job on the drawing board! I really loved the drawings that corresponded with your information. The information was simple and easy to follow! I thought the 1 in 3 statistic was really intriguing and I will definitely remember that long-term. It was also very thoughtful to provide a website so they can expand their knowledge on hypertension! Quick and simple! Love it.

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