Tag Archives: cancer

Cancer Drawing Board

This is a drawing board presentation directed at informing elementary school children on how to keep Monster Cancer from rearing its ugly head. It talks about preventable aspects of cancer such as how to avoid skin cancer, lung cancer and cancer associated with poor diet and exercise. Monster Cancer isn’t completely avoidable, but by doing … Continue reading Cancer Drawing Board

Cancer Prezi

There are many lifestyle choices  that can greatly influence an individuals risk of developing cancer. It is a type of cell mutation that will hinder approximately 39% of men and women at some time in their lifetime, in the United States. This prezi, aimed toward corporate office workers, will touch on how every choice from making good eating, and exercising habits, to being … Continue reading Cancer Prezi

Cervical Cancer Brochure

Did you know that you can PREVENT cervical cancer? This brochure gives a great short briefing on what cervical cancer is, how it is transmitted, how you can prevent it and how many people have it. We hope you find some information that you haven’t seen before so you can further prevent cervical cancer yourself! … Continue reading Cervical Cancer Brochure