
Our initial expectations from this project were that homework is mostly not necessary. Obviously, this can vary from person to person, but in general, we had figured that homework didn’t really have any influence on academic achievement. Our research changed our opinions drastically, as we found that while large amounts of homework don’t have much effect on performance in the classroom, completing at least some homework can greatly improve a students’ grade. Our articles mostly contrasted each other, one of them supported the fact that homework really doesn’t have as much influence on a student’s grades as would be expected. With another article claiming that homework is the only way for a student to get a good grade in a class. Our research provides a link between the contrasting articles that we’ve read. In our research we found that students don’t spend nearly as much time doing homework as they are assigned. This is important because it provides a connection between the contrasting conclusions that the previous studies made. It somewhat answers our question by letting us know that many students do not spend as much time doing homework as they are assigned and are just as successful regardless of if they complete all their assigned homework.

Boy Napping at His Desk

TL;DR:  We found two different scholarly articles that contrasted each other. Our research proved to be a bridge between the contrasting articles that proved that Homework is somewhat necessary. But not quite to the extent that many people believe.

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