
You spend hours doing homework for your classes every week, but how much does that homework help you in your classes? Have you ever felt like the time you spend doing your homework is wasted or that the assignments you do could be structured in a more effective way? These were the questions we were asking ourselves when we created this project. We wanted to find out how effective students thought the homework they were assigned was at helping them remember a classes material.  This is important to us because as college students we are all very busy. We believe that many students feel like they are wasting their time with some of the homework they’re assigned. Through our experiment, we want to gather meaningful data that can show exactly how students feel about their homework as well as what things they think can be done better. We believe this experiment could help show students and faculty what things are either being done correctly, or what aspects of homework could be improved upon. 

Picture of a Boy Struggling With Homework

Portrait Of Boy Struggling With Homework

 TL;DR: We studied the effectiveness of homework in order to determine whether students are being overworked. We are hoping to change the way that teachers assign homework.

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