
We used a combination of surveys, interviews, and online research to gather the research required for our project. The use of surveys allowed us to gain insight into how the average student at western feels about the homework they were assigned, as well as how long they spent doing that homework. Surveys also allowed us to have statistics and data of our own that can be compared to national averages and statistics found online. Interviews allowed us to hear personal stories from students which, in turn, gave us deeper insight into how the average student at western feels about the homework they do every day. These stories help create a picture of the problems students face every day while staying away from sometimes boring numbers and statistics. Combining this with our online research, allowed us to have a wide variety of data that was also backed up by statistics. These methods proved to be the most effective for our experiment, because they allowed us to examine real responses from the people who we were designing our experiment around and compare it to national averages and statistics to see if Western students feel the same as average students across the country. 

TL;DR: We used previously published journals, surveys, and interviews in order to determine how students feel about homework, and if it actually effects their academic performance.


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