Hooper, D.U. and N. Embertson. 2019. Low-cost nitrate sensor network for monitoring of surface waters in Whatcom County, WA. EPA Nutrient Sensor Action Challenge Results Package. A report in conjunction with the Nooksack-Fraser Transboundary Nitrogen Project. Submitted Feb. 28, 2019.
Ag-Watershed Project Team. 2016. Overview and summary results of the Fishtrap Pilot Project. Whatcom County Ag-Watershed Project, Whatcom County, WA. https://sites.google.com/site/wcwatershedag/documents
MacKay, H. 2013. Prototype Credit Accounting System, Technical Memorandum # 3. Whatcom County Ag-Watershed Project. Whatcom County, WA. https://sites.google.com/site/wcwatershedag/documents. I wrote Appendix A: Report on review of metrics for application in Phase 2 potential pilot projects. pp. A1-A43.
Lovato Niles, C., H. MacKay. 2013. Fourmile Creek Buffer Planting Project: Summary Report. FHB Consulting, Lynden, WA. Undergraduate Tim Anderson and I contributed data and text on leaf litterfall and reed canary grass abundance.
†Hamlin, S.L. and D.U. Hooper. 2011. Understanding costs and benefits of different riparian land management scenarios in the Fishtrap Creek watershed. Report for the Natural Resources Marketplace Working Group, Whatcom Farm Friends, Lynden, WA. Samantha took the lead in the literature review and writing, and I contributed greatly to project design, planning analyses, writing and editing.
Hooper, D.U. 2007. A review of the biodiversity assessment and monitoring program of the National Agri-Environmental Standards Initiative (NAESI) at Environment Canada. Synthesis report for Environment Canada from a workshop held February 10-11, 2007, Delta Vancouver Suites, Vancouver, BC.