H & E Public Relations

For this venture Emilee and I came together to create H & E Public Relations. This is great entrepreneurial experience for the both of us because we are seniors in the public relations program here at Western. Together we want to help growing businesses within this minor and the campus community, reaching a variety of customers through both markets. The main focus of our venture is branding, social media, events/partnerships and media coverage. In the past we have done work for WDYC?, successfully growing a brand within the Bellingham community and online. Currently we are working with Rogue Alchemist Cosmetics, a brand focused on inclusivity and sustainability. We have worked with them on social media and creating content. We are always looking to expand our experience with brands and hope to do so in the future.

Trip Jackson

Hello, my name is Trip Jackson! As an E6, and a senior at Western, I’m super excited to get out into the world and begin my changemaking journey. For my final quarter in the program, I’m working with Conor Moma in a joint startup hot sauce company temporarily named Chile Gold. We’re super excited to be working to bring something great to the world, hot, spicy, delicious, sauce that can be added to anything.

To reach me, please send me an email at jacksop8@wwu.edu, or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Complex Sample Student Profile Post

Product Design

MY Project

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard


Jan 14, 2017
Elegant Themes


Web Design

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever.

Related projects

Sample Student Profile Post: Simple


Meg Weber

#words that you associate with xxxx

I'm passionate about inclusive....xxxx.....

#alumni #sustainability

"I knew I’d found myself in the right place when the first day of my entrepreneurship minor in the IDEA Institute our professors led us in a dancing stretch to warm up for class. Through the next six quarters i was constantly pushed to reimagine the way higher education could be. We did real world projects, building actual businesses and events. We worked in real teams solving real problems. The way IDEA coached us through these projects taught us skills that would form our careers not just fill spaces on a resume. The community I found in the classroom is genuinely a key reason I made it through my four years at Western. These people, the professors and my classmates, are lifelong friends and people I will always invite to collaborate with on projects as we each change the world little by little". 2018 Idea Minor Grad

#alumni #sustainability

"I knew I’d found myself in the right place when the first day of my entrepreneurship minor in the IDEA Institute our professors led us in a dancing stretch to warm up for class. Through the next six quarters i was constantly pushed to reimagine the way higher education could be. We did real world projects, building actual businesses and events. We worked in real teams solving real problems. The way IDEA coached us through these projects taught us skills that would form our careers not just fill spaces on a resume. The community I found in the classroom is genuinely a key reason I made it through my four years at Western. These people, the professors and my classmates, are lifelong friends and people I will always invite to collaborate with on projects as we each change the world little by little". 2018 Idea Minor Grad

#words that you associate with xxxx

I'm passionate about inclusive....xxxx.....

Previous Venture Projects

Check out my work! NAME



B’Hub is an interactive app that connects the community together through weekly challenges and events. The main map on the app shows all real-time events with the event name, date, time and age range. The weekly challenges is a game that the app users participate in every week. The user completes a challenge and gets virtual currency through the app which can be translated into real world prizes. B’Hub was created to give people a convenient way to see the events happening around town to get involved in as well as giving an incentive to go by earning points for prizes. 


Keep It Relevant

Despite the fact that there are many games that appeal to a wide range of people, there is not ONE game that everyone can relate to, has the knowledge for, feel comfortable playing, or want to play, or is not a drinking game. Keep It Relevant fills this gap by allowing players to interact with people outside their social circles, as it is a card game that focuses on current events and viral social media. Even people who might not keep up closely with pop culture have likely heard about many of the topics included in the cards. 


Recruiting, Retaining and Developing Your Team

Recruiting, Retaining and Developing Your Team

A team is a group working towards their goals.


Professor Leigh Thompson of the Kellogg School of Management, defines “[a] team is a group of people who are interdependent with respect to information, resources, and skills and who seek to combine their efforts to achieve a common goal”.

Thompson, Leigh (2008). Making the team : a guide for managers (3rd ed.). Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780131861350.



Team Cycles 

 Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning

Teams have natural cycles to development that drive overall success, while some may feel awkward and contrarian. These defined phases were defined in 1965 by a psychologist named Bruce Tuckman, who said that teams go through 5 stages of development: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. The stages start from the time that a group first meets until the project ends.  Creating opportunities to proactively move through each phase is critical to team success…ESPECIALLY in a vibrant, dynamic entrepreneurial environment like our program. 

Source:  Tuckman, B.W. (1965) ‘Developmental Sequence in Small Groups,’ Psychological Bulletin, Volume 63, June 1965.

(as told by the Fellowship of the Ring) Source: Agile Leadership

Opportunity Orientation

Opportunity Orientation

Opportunity orientation is being able to see the world filled with opportunities, how you might create and/or access opportunities and learning optimism that flips challenges and “failures” into possibility and opportunity to make a difference as a Changemaker through multi-purpose entrepreneurship and innovation.

Let’s Practice

 A list of 99 real opportunities for positive change in our Bellingham/Whatcom (not campus) county communities including a one sentence description for each. These can be of any type and size. This may require multiple walkabouts!

Narrow the list to your top three opportunities that you think are most feasible and potentially impactful. Clearly identify these and then link the three to the Sustainable Development Goals from the UN. How well do they fit?

Meet with two other IDEA students and share your top 3, and ask them for feedback and then share who you spoke with and the highlights of their feedback.

Describe your entire process for the above, how it went and what you learned.

Written answers to the following:

To what degree do you believe you are able to see opportunity around you? What does that look like for you?

Identify and describe a time within the last 3 months that something you cared about did not go as you wished.

Describe how you behaved and felt in that situation.

Describe how you tend to behave when something does not work out as you thought it would. How does this candid description of yourself align with an orientation toward opportunity?

What are the implications for you? o Identify and describe a time when you were able to create an opportunity when there were none obviously available to you.

Describe how you behaved and felt in that situation.

Tell us about the degree to which you are able to create opportunity when none is being given to you. What are the implications for you?

Nourishing Networks

Nourishing Networks

Growing Connections

How might we give, grow and collide?

There’s magic in working together. 

Still Unsure? We Get It.

Here are some tricks and tips. 

  1. GET PREPPED with your pitch.
    • In 30 seconds, how would you share your goals, dreams and inspirations?
  2. BE DISCOVERABLE set up your linkedin.com account, or refresh your existing profile.
  3. RESEARCH…Check it out.
    • What situation are you walking in to? Who else is participating? What’s in it for them? Who are the other participants?
    • Yes, you have unique value. Leave the connection, jot down a few ideas. Sort out future re-connection points.
    • Write a note
    • Share the ripple

What is Entrepreneurship?

What is an Entrepreneur?

Matching opportunities and innovations to bring people and resources together to make change happen in the world.

Done through unleashing Changemakers and Changeleaders through Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Join Head Coach Meg Weber and Dr. Art Sherwood in a critical discussion of our work.  

You Review

We developed an app that provides a local up-to-date events page for WWU students and faculty. This app will also include ratings and reviews that are created “by students, for students”.

Our Group:

Adele Houston, Sean Norton, Marius Schmitt, Ella Schroth, Zosia Sherwood

Kollab-Social – Kaleb Hébert

Explore, Design, Innovate.

Kollab-Social is a micro-social media mobile app built to help connect students with similar projects and interests. The long-terms goal of Kollab-Social is to provide a platform for collaboration and innovation by leveraging the powerful communities within institutions.

Currently this project is in alpha testing. Now that we have finished the base functionality of the app we are looking for bugs and features that the community wants in our application.

For a full write-up checkout the article on my blog here!

H & E Public Relations

For this venture Emilee and I came together to create H & E Public Relations. This is great entrepreneurial experience for the both of us because we are seniors in the public relations program here at Western. Together we want to help growing businesses within this minor and the campus community, reaching a variety of customers through both markets. The main focus of our venture is branding, social media, events/partnerships and media coverage. In the past we have done work for WDYC?, successfully growing a brand within the Bellingham community and online. Currently we are working with Rogue Alchemist Cosmetics, a brand focused on inclusivity and sustainability. We have worked with them on social media and creating content. We are always looking to expand our experience with brands and hope to do so in the future.

Seattle Children’s Hospital Gala

This November I had the pleasure of launching a one time Charity Gala benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital with  a really fantastic team. Colman Mitchell originally launched the project in Winter 2018, and I joined in Spring 2019.  We were both really passionate about this as we had both been treated by SCH as children, so the cause was special to us. We felt that although we knew a lot of fellow students who had been treated there, now living in Bellingham, and yet there wasn’t a lot of awareness in Whatcom about the work that SCH and their Foundation does. We wanted to create a special event that people could get dressed up for  (a PNW rarity), where we could showcase local sponsors, and raise money for the Uncompensated Care Fund.

“Step back in time and enjoy a fun evening while supporting an incredible cause!

We are bringing the glamour and excitement of the Roaring 20’s to our corner of the Northwest! The era will come to life through the timeless beauty of Bellingham’s iconic venue, Lairmont Manor. The event will feature gourmet hors d’oeuvres, live music, silent auction and more!

Our gala is in support of the Seattle Children’s Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund. Last year, Seattle Children’s Hospital provided $4,991,990 of uncompensated care for Whatcom County and $164 million for Washington State. These contributions are made possible through the support of a passionate and generous community. This event is an effort to increase awareness and support for the cause as it plays a vital role in our community’s youth and future change-makers.


The event was Nov. 2nd, at Bellingham’s historic Lairmont Manor in Fairhaven, and it was fantastic. We ended up having about 50 guests, and about 20 sponsors! We were able to donate just over $8,000 to the Seattle Children’s Hospital Foundation for the Uncompensated Care Fund.  Although the  members  of  our  team  are about  to  graduate, we would love to see future E levels continue the project annually, to grow the event!

Rogue Alchemist Cosmetics

Rogue Alchemist Cosmetics is an upcoming makeup brand that is launching with a flagship product line of custom foundations. This brand is currently in its early stages, but we are building our brand to be as inclusive and sustainable as possible. In an effort to increase awareness of this venture, Rogue Alchemist Cosmetics will be hosting a promotional event this December. Those in attendance will have the opportunity to learn professional skincare techniques and do their makeup so that it best compliments their skin shade and type. Following the event, clients can take photographs of their finished holiday party looks in our photo booth and then participate in a focus group where they will give their honest impressions on their experience with the brand.

Our Team:
Sophie Lawrence, Marissa Loya, Hannah Asmussen, Emilee Kyle, Haley Ruppel, and Tori Corkum


Delivered & Done- Anna Priebe

Delivered & Done is a venture project to create care packages for families of college students to give their student while they’re away from home. My goal is to be more affordable, local, and customizable than my competitors. More information coming soon!

Roaring 20s Gala

Step back in time and enjoy a fun evening while supporting an incredible cause!

We are bringing the glamour and excitement of the Roaring 20’s to our corner of the Northwest! The era will come to life through the timeless beauty of Bellingham’s iconic venue, Lairmont Manor. The event will feature gourmet hors d’oeuvres, live music, silent auction and more!

Our gala is in support of the Seattle Children’s Hospital Uncompensated Care Fund. Last year, Seattle Children’s Hospital provided $4,991,990 of uncompensated care for Whatcom County and $164 million for Washington State. These contributions are made possible through the support of a passionate and generous community. This event is an effort to increase awareness and support for the cause as it plays a vital role in our community’s youth and future change-makers.

Casey Gackle: SkimTrax Skimbaording Pools

SkimTrax is a service that is provided via skimboarding pools! A safer way to get exposed to a new board-sport. We do rentals, demos, and lessons with the main goal of increasing the popularity of a sport that is not very accessible. These pools change this, bringing a beach environment to you! 

Creative Confidence

Creative Confidence

Innovate like a five year old with a decade or more under their belt.

What does it mean, really mean to experience yourself as fully able to create, delight, and innovate?  Consider with us the top priority of you, our community, and your participation.  Check out the materials below, and guiding questions to trigger your creative juices.

David Kelley on the Design Abilities of Creative Problem Solvers



When have you felt confident and competent?

Superhost and Cheerleader

When have you affirmed and helped another build their confidence level?


When have you felt those creative juices flowing?


When have you jumped in?

Change Leadership

Focusing on you and your impact on the world.

Identifying and pursuing new and real opportunities. 


Ask yourselfHow might you design your life so you can bring our ideas to impact, over and over throughout your life?IdeaGritworks to answer this question.

These five design elements are not prescriptions for what you should do. Rather, they are elements worth using to design what you should do. And what you should do is YOUR choice.

Check out the Assignment

Tell Another Tail

Where in time would you travel to discover a forgotten piece of history? Who has never let you down? What supernatural experience have you been part of? These questions and hundreds more are the soul of the party game, Tell Another Tail. A virtual card game that focuses on leaving an ever-lasting impact on you and your friends through self-discovery and intimate conversations.

Having completed the program, you won’t see me around. But, I am still looking for help! Are you a designer, marketer, or someone with a passion for writing questions? Feel free to reach out to me at nyhdra@gmail.com or check out my latest progress at http://tellanothertail.com to learn more. Help me grow this game into the jaw dropper it will become and provide your feedback to make this the best game it can be!

Idea Grit

We use the IdeaGrit model for developing lifelong changemakers through Multi-purpose Entrepreneurship and innovation created through Dr. Sherwood’s research and global collaborations.

IdeaGrit is the passion and perseverance to pursue a lifetime of taking ideas to impact to make change happen through multi-purpose entrepreneurship and innovation. To develop IdeaGrit takes practice and effort and development in at least five areas as outlined below.


1: I will make my own choices

(Radical Responsibility)

2: I choose to make a difference

3: I choose to be a Lifelong ChangeMaker

4: I choose to invest lifelong effort

5: I choose to act

To ultimately have active IdeaGrit, it is important to explore and answer positively to the above questions. Lifelong changemaking is a choice.


Getting your lifetime grit to go. #ventureproject #ideagrit #changemaking #thedecisions #nourishingnetworks #radicalresponsibility #perma #aaskforchange

Business Model Canvas

What is the Business Model Canvas?

Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and lean startup template for developing new or documenting existing business models.[1][2] It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm’s or product’s value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances.[3] It assists firms in aligning their activities by illustrating potential trade-offs.

The Business Model Canvas was initially proposed by Alexander Osterwalder[4] based on his earlier work on business model ontology.[5] Since the release of Osterwalder’s work around 2008,[6] new canvases for specific niches have appeared.  Source: Wikipedia.

Or check out our work on the Big Idea Canvas.

Generating New Ideas.

Solving Big Problems

Identifying and pursuing new and real opportunities.