Our Coaches

Enriching lives with feedback and connection 

Dr. Art Sherwood

Director, Academic Programs, IDEA 

Art Sherwood is the David Cole Professor of Entrepreneurship in the College of Business and Economics at Western Washington University. Dr. Sherwood is the director of Western’s IDEA Institute (InterDisciplinary Entrepreneurship in Action), an Affiliated Faculty of the Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop on Political Theory and Political Theory and Policy Analysis and co-founder of the Cooperative Business Research Institute.

Having completed his graduate work at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business with a research focus on cooperative alliances, he now seeks to better understand co-operative entrepreneurship, governance and leadership. His current research also focuses on entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems and programs that increase access for non-traditional participants.  In addition to his academic work, his is an experienced entrepreneur and a member-owner of CDS Consulting Co-op through which he advises and teaches co-operative leaders throughout the United States.  Learn more about Dr. S’ Liberating Structures Bellingham. 


Meg Weber

Head Coach


Meg Weber joined the IDEA Institute Team in 2016. Meg is passionate about economic development, students and entrepreneurship. Meg’s career past is in running a telecommunications business, providing business coaching and serving as the Executive Director of the Technology Alliance Group. Meg serves our community on the Boards of the Pickford Film Center and the Technology Alliance Group.  She holds a  BA in Political Science and German, University of Rochester, MA Cinema , University of Iowa and MBA, University of Rochester.


David Cole

Western Washington University Alumnus.   Former Vice President at Microsoft.

David Cole graduated cum laude from Western in 1984 with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics and in 1986 with a master’s degree in Mathematics (also cum laude). He is a retired senior vice president who worked with Microsoft for more than 20 years. He played key roles in the development of Windows, Internet Explorer and MSN.com while at the software company, and served for three years as a trustee at Western.

Lauren Adkins


Superhost grad of our program


Rianne Ellingwood


Rianne Ellingwood is a senior at Western studying Marketing with a minor in International Business and Entrepreneurship. Rianne first joined the minor in fall of 2016 and completed the minor in spring of 2018. She came to start coaching in the minor after traveling to Costa Rica for the minors global learning program. Outside of the minor, Rianne works for the Office of Admissions as their Large Events Manager. She is also apart of Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity, the Student Marketing Association and is a founder of WWU Blue Crew.


Olivia Hall


Rockstar Program grad


Serafima Healy


Full of vibrancy!


Some of our Extraordinary Students

Exploring Evidence-based Entrepreneurship

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