- What was the process you and your group took creating your Plan of Action?
We honestly didn’t do a ton of editing to our POA. We crafted it and called it good. I’m personally not satisfied with this, but we’ll be meeting up here soon, so we can discuss/ add any necessary detail for our own planning purposes if we feel inclined.
2. What is your plan for sticking to the Plan of Action and holding one another accountable through out the quarter?
I think just bugging each other and being on top of communication. Last venture project, everyone in my team was great with communication, so no one had to be the lead communicator in entirety, but this time around, I have a feeling it will be different. I definitely have already stepped up in being the main communicator, which is fine, but does make me a little nervous. If I am going to take the reigns, I’m going to make sure we have dates and deadlines set for our team so we don’t fall behind.
3. How are you feeling about Venture Project Two? What areas do you feel good? What areas do you need more clarity?
I am honestly nervous. My team lost Laura, so we are currently at only 3 people. The areas I feel good in are feeling more competent in Venture Projects in general, not being hesitant when asking for clarity, and understanding how all the documents in the drive are applicable to our learning. I’m nervous about the fact that none of us really know what we’re doing, but I think that’s kind of the point. The only way baby birds learn to fly is by falling. I need more clarity in knowing when and what to have prepared for what dates in class. One goal I have for Venture Project 2 is to have the majority of the project done in a timely manner, meaning….NO MORE STRESSFUL GRIND SESSIONS. Having items checked off the list days in advance.
4. We went downtown this week! What sparked interest for you in the downtown tour?
It was inspiring to see someone so young build a tiny empire in such a short amount of time. It truly goes to show how far drive, passion, handwork, and innovation will carry you. I think one of my favorite aspects of her oration was listening to how her credibility with clients grew with time. I’m actually a little disappointed about that day. I had gotten almost no sleep the night before and worked early the morning of, so it was very hard for me to focus. I definitely missed out on a lot of great insight from a very admirable person, but that’s okay!

Hey Gabi,
Its totally normal to be nervous going into your vp2 as an E1. Just remember that even if the venture fails thats okay, your grade is based on how much you put into it, regardless of success or failure. The lesson you learn from the VP2 is most important/valuable. Goodluck and reach out if you ever need help!
The honesty of your poa process is very refreshing and how it often turns out. Fortunately poa’s are meant to be edited and tweaked so you and your group have a lot of time to keep working on it is conjunction with your venture project.
Hi Ila!
I know very well what it is like to be the lead communicator. I have been doing that for just about every venture except my E1 vp1. this class does a good job at finding the leaders in class. It is an awesome skill to have but means you can burnt out easily. Be sure to ask your team to step up to the plate and don’t offer to do everything yourself! I know that I struggle with delegating or asking for members to do their fair share. You got this! It will only get easier from here.