Traction Journal Week 6

  1. How did the Evidence Pitch Day go for you? In what areas do you need to amplify the evidence in your Venture?

If I’m being completely honest, Evidence Pitch Day was what I would describe as “fumbly.” Super stressful leading up to it, and the presentation as a whole…. needed improvement. Personally, I choked bad in the beginning. I don’t usually have issues with public speaking, but for some reason I just couldn’t formulate cohesive thoughts and got really flustered. You know when you look at the audience, and you can tell they’re in just as much pain watching you as you are trying to keep you’re cool…. it was one of those moments, haha. I can’t think about it too hard or I will physically start to cringe, BUT honestly, looking back…. it was kinda funny in a sad pathetic way. I truly wouldn’t take it back though if I had the chance. Just more growth. Gotta have these moments to give you perspective and act as quality time stamps in life, haha.

In terms of my team, they did a great job staying calm and presenting what we prepared. Certainly need to beef up evidence in areas, more interviews with the restaurant industry, but also business owners. I think we also needs to get in touch with at least one or two farm to see if they would consider our proposition if they were legitimately presented the opportunity. Another thing is researching more about the amount of land required for composting.

2. What do you know about your customer for your project?

The customer that we would be marketing to would be restaurants, farms, and other businesses that offer compostable goods. One of the biggest things we need to know (through interview research) is why these businesses don’t have composting already (or why they do).

3. What has your evidence process looked like through out the quarter?

My evidence process has been collecting interviews, surveys, prototyping, and compiling secondary research. There is something else I feel like we’re missing, and I don’t know what it is…. Any suggestions.

4. It is week six of the quarter! How is it going? How are you hanging in there?

I am stressed yo. This last week was hard. I was on a roll there for awhile, getting shit done, on a steady flow. This week rolled around and I hit a couple day block where I was very unproductive and sad. It was draining. I’m hopefully out of the valley and climbing into the hills though. These last few days, one of my main sources of fuel has been the Yogi tea bag quotes….. They are very encouraging.

5. Spice, Jazz, Pazazz:

Anyone got any good song recommendations? Open to any genre. Been stuck in a little bit of a tune drought.

Update: Florence + The Machine just released a new song. It’s great. Highly recommend.

Free - Single by Florence + The Machine | Spotify


  1. Hi Gabi,

    The evidence pitch was a new assignment and considering that I think you did a great job. There’s always room for improvement and that’s just part of life. Hopefully you were able to learn from the experience and feedback and continue to improve your venture project which I look forward to hearing.

  2. Hey Gabi,

    Don’t beat yourself up so bad! This is a learning experience, and these assignments are not easy. By the end you will come out as a much better public speaker. I agree that the end of the quarter can feel super stressful, just know that majority of WWU students are in the same boat and everyone will make it out just fine! Goodluck the rest of this quarter.

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