- How was the pitching experience for you this week?
Pitch went really well actually! The days leading up to pitch were spent adding finishing touches to our pitch deck and rehearsing. Our presentation went a lot smoother than I was anticipating if I’m being real. I think we could have presented it a little less frantically, but overarchingly, I would say we did a great job. The feedback from outside the classroom was nice, but I was a little bummed we didn’t get to engage in conversation with our classmates surrounding the project. That’s actually what I was looking forward to the most about Pitch. During dress rehearsals, we actually got some SUPER useful feedback. Thinking the rehearsals would be a taste of the feedback we would receive during pitch, I was ready for suggestions, critics, likes, dislikes, and everything in between.
2. What resonated with you from pitch day?
I think the thing that resonated with me the most was how confident all presenters were. All students that pitched were prepared, calm, and confident. It was fun getting to see what others have been dedicating their time to. The fact that each project had touches of personality and individualization made their conveyance extremely enjoyable.
3. What did you think of the E&I event this week? Were you able to network and connect with others at the event? Why or why not?
I WASN’T ABLE TO GO! 🙁 I was unfortunately/ not unfortunately at Nationals for Track and Field. From the photos though, it looked like a huge success! Sad I missed it, but so so happy that it was a hit. 🙂 Seeing everyone united made me proud to be apart of this program.
4. How are you feeling coming near the end of VP2? What are there areas that you are in need of support?
Overall, feeling pretty strong. I recently GRINDED and got a lot of the smaller details out of the way. Now we just need to make the Learning Journey Video. In terms of support, there isn’t anything in particular I need help with.
5. Life:
Overall, pretty solid. Nationals for track was a blast. I ended up getting 13th overall.