Traction Journal Week 3

Reflecting on your pitch and wrapping up Venture Project One

  • How did it go?
    • With your team:
    • With the evidence-based entrepreneurship skills
    • With discovering a new accessibility opportunity?

Overall, I would say it went decently well with my team. All of us stayed on top of communication, which was a little surprising. Normally in large group projects like this one, there tends to be one person who goes MIA, but no one did. Everyone truly wanted to put their fair share of contributions into the project. Personally, I think I could’ve been a little more proactive in taking on more responsibilities. It took me a second to actually understand the task at hand, so now that I have a better grasp of the assignment, next time I will be more of a driving force. In terms of evidence-based entrepreneurship skills, actually getting out in the field and collecting data was something I haven’t dabbled with for awhile, and I truly see how much value it has. Talking to people about real problems puts into perspective how real and relevant they truly are. Discovering a new accessibility opportunity went really well. Even leading up to this class, I didn’t really think about the gap you need to fill in order for a business venture to be successful. Tackling accessibility certainly put that concept into perspective. Looking for a gap that the public business sector has and creating a solution.

What have you learned about yourself?

I think one of the biggest things that I have learned about myself from this assignment is that I seriously love people. I loved working in a team, and now, from this one group project, I have relationships formed with classmates, and I got to discover the struggles of others through interviews. Another thing I learned about myself is that I hate feeling like I didn’t put in my 100%. In this project, I definitely worked hard, but I think not understanding everything completely lead to the upper E levels picking up some of my slack. I see now, how through repetition, this class builds leaders. Now that I can wrap my head around why the small details are important, I know next time will be better. I’ll be the helper/ guide, for newcomers, that the upper E levels in my group were for me.

From this learning, what will you carry forward into Venture Project Two?

  • Why is this important to you?

From this learning, I will carry the formatting and importance of small details into V2. Starting the first Venture Project in a group was a fantastic entry into the project portion of this class. I would have completely drowned if I were to have done V1 on my own, but now I have an idea of what these projects actually encompass. It was cool being able to reflect back and see where the team succeeded and floundered, and being able to carry or drop those habits into our next venture.


Life is good. I have a feeling that in the next few months, things are going to change, and I’m going to start growing substantially as a person. This quarter, I commenced the repetition of super small habits that have honestly improved my confidence in my ability to change. Before bed every night, I clean, stretch, and read for 5 minutes each. Only 15 minutes of work. If I want to do more, great, if I don’t, at least I did 5 minutes of three important things. I usually opt for doing more (especially reading). Habits are so easy to form if you make them feel easy. A concept that is not always easy for me to grasp personally. A lot of small steps is sometimes easier than a couple big ones.