Paul Nicklen: National Geographic Photojournalist and Conservationist

I happened across Paul Nicklen’s work whilst scrolling through Instagram one day. It just so happened that National Geographic was featuring some of his work documenting seals. The picture I saw was this.

Naturally, after being intrigued by his work, I found that both he and his wife had created an organization called SeaLegacy, which is conservation centered, but uses photography and visual storytelling as their main source of media. To me, their work is ripe with opportunity. To be able to not only tell people about the issues our oceans face, but to also show them seems perfect to me. You can find their website here:

Recently, National Geographic named Nicklen and his wife, Cristian Mettermier, Adventurers of the Year. You can find the rest of the adventures, as well as the video package giving more detail into Nicklen and Mettermier’s work, here: