Journal Entry #7

What did you love this week?  

The networking event was a lot of fun and really nice to get some insightful advice from people who have been successful.

What resonated with you in workshops?

Getting to build new connections with the community coaches and ask some questions that helped me out a lot.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

Not too sure honestly, at this point everything about our venture is locked in, so we do not have too many major aspects to change.

What did you learn in shift and share- what did you love, what would you have loved to see?

Learned more about credit from sawyer which was nice. Not sure what else I would have loved to see I think all 3 of the E4’s did their best.

What does excellence look like for you and your team? What’s needed to get from here to there?

Excellence for us would look like, having a good event that everybody enjoyed, and getting the grade we desire. What we need? A solid pitch, and make sure we get enough post prototype interviews in the short time after our event is actually done.

Outside of E&I this week.

It was nice to finally get some sun? Did a lot of biking this week and an old friend gave my housemates and I his old blow up pool! We had some friends over Friday afternoon and got to sit in our little pool haha nothing to fancy, but it was fun!

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #7

  1. Sawyer definitely did a great job explaining credit, I really enjoyed that presentation. The sun and a blow up pool sounds like a great time!

  2. I also loved the networking event! And your event went great, it was super enjoyable and overall a good time. 🙂

  3. The networking event was really goos experience and cool to hear what other asked as well since it gave another perspective!

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