Journal Entry #9

How did your pitch go?

It went great I thought! We did not get any significant negative feedback which was good!

What do you need to do from now until VP2 is due?

Just get together to record our LJV, organize the drive, and draft up our business report! After this is all done we just have to turn it in and make a blog post.

What feedback did you receive?

Mostly positive, I think the only feedback I found important was to add a financials slide. We did not have any financials so I did not put it, but I think it would have been cool to add the slide showing we did not need to raise any money and we got it all for free. I think it would have made our project look a bit better.

Outside of E&I this week

I had a great week! My housemate Andrew was the last to turn 21 out of the 6 of us this Thursday so we had a great time at the royale downtown signing some karaoke! Other than that I went to Lummi island with my girlfriend which was fun!

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #9

  1. Glad your pitch went well, only got to see it during dress rehearsals so sad I didn’t get to see the final one. I’ve always wanted to go to Lummi island, glad you had a great weekend!!

  2. Great job on your pitch and it was super cool that you all were able to make it happen for free! Karaoke is great and Lummi is so great to visit

  3. I’m glad you are feeling good about finish up the project and that your final pitch went well!

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