Journal Entry #3

How have you deepened your understanding of business research, empathy and alignment?

I cannot say that I have learned anything new in this class that would deepen my understanding in those 3 categories, just because this is my 4th time going through the class work. I feel that I am deepening my understanding in all three of those categories by pursuing my venture project.

How does IdeaGrit and Major Definite Purpose resonate with you right now?

Reminds me of what to stay focused on within my own venture and recognize the importance of certain aspects more than others.

How might you apply this week’s learnings to your venture?

Get a good JTBD statement down for my VPC, as well as something to reference the rest of this year while pursuing my project.

5 thoughts on “Journal Entry #3

  1. Nice job John. I’m interested in seeing what your next VP project will be about and how you’ll execute in presenting it.

  2. I too believe that JTBD is a good reference and relative point to compare ideas with so that you aren’t sidetracking too hard from the original goal.

  3. From reading your traction journals it seems like you have a really good understanding of how to execute your project so I am really exited to see what your vp2 is going to be.

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