Journal Entry #8

  1. How did the technology prototyping workshop go for you?
  • I thought it was good, Adam knows what he is talking about when it comes to that stuff. He has done a great job building software for our NFT project. I feel fairly confident in prototyping, but as far as building I am no programmer, I leave that to Adam.
  1. How did the interviewing workshop go for you?
  • I thought it was good. I feel fairly confident in my interviewing skills so far, it was a lot of the same that I have learned so far in the program.
  1. Dress Rehearsals! How did this go for you and your team? What traction do you guys need to make before pitch day?
  • I think it went okay, I honestly am not really that proud of my pitch for E&I. I have a go to pitch that I use in the NFT community when I am talking in twitter spaces, but that does not translate over to class. Because people in class do not really understand NFTs. This means I have to change a lot, and I can’t really say the things I want which is kind of a bummer. I do not need any other traction before pitching tomorrow.

Outside of E&I

  • I spent this past week doing a ton of school work, this coming up week going into the three day weekend is very busy for me. This coming week may have the most deadlines out of any week during my time at Western. I have been getting a lot of work done in advance, so I can have time to work on the Pixies. Adam and I finally got a spot on the “Sovana Shark Tank” which is one of the biggest twitter spaces hosted weekly in the NFT community. We pitched against 3 other projects and won. The judges really liked our project, and they all started buying our NFTs and then tweeting about it. Which was a great feeling.

4 thoughts on “Journal Entry #8

  1. Hey John,
    You and Adam certainly seem to have good teamwork going on. It’s amazing to hear the crazy traction you have been making on your venture! It probably does feel quite annoying though having to translate your pitch for the class. Nevertheless, it seems like you guys are killing it so keep up the good work!

  2. John,
    That is so exciting to hear about the shark tank pitch! I bet pitching in this class is really frustrating because you can’t really pitch what you are supposed to … you have to present more of a research project which sucks. I also bet you are super ready to be done with the program and graduating soon!
    Too bad I didn’t get to see your final pitch, I’m sure it went fine. 🙂

  3. Hey John! Adam is such a wizard with programming and tech. It has been fun to see him build off these skills over time! That is a bummer to hear about your pitch, but hopefully it goes better this quarter! That is so cool to hear about your project pitch. You guys are killing it!!!!

  4. John,
    I am really impressed with what you did with this class. You clearly know how to find little pockets and fill them. That is a really underrated talent. Didn’t see you at flatstick and I am sorry that I didn’t get to say goodbye. You are a talented man and I am happy I got to work with ya:)

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