Journal Entry #6

  • BMC
    • Reflecting on the BMC workshop, evaluate your journey.
      • I found it valuable. The workshop made me realize the importance of evaluating every aspect of my customer FIRST before doing anything else with a new venture. The customer makes the business.
    • what surprised you? How has it changed after the workshop? Where would you like to grow? How did the process go for you?
      • I was not too surprised, I was just interested. I never really knew the exact order of importance for the VPC, so it was a good learning experience.
  • Arathi
    • What was your biggest takeaway?
      • Finding something you are truly passionate about and or get joy from. It is also okay to put yourself out there even if you fail.
    • What is coaching to you?
      • Helping someone out by giving them knowledge within a certain field, that will allow the student to succeed.
    • How has coaching worked for you in the program? Has it worked for you? If it hasn’t what would you love to see? What could it look like?
      • I do not think I have received too much coaching in the program. I do think I have gotten a lot of great feedback, and heard others opinions on certain aspects of a project that maybe I had not thought of before.

Outside of E&I this week

  • Adam and I were lucky enough to go down to Seattle this weekend and participate in the annual Solana world tour, they had a 5 day long event in Seattle, we passed out over 300 designed QR codes for our project and got to demo our game at the main venue. You can watch the demo here.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #6

  1. Hi John!
    It was really interesting to compare the order we came up with to the actual order of the BMC. Arathi is super interesting to listen to. I agree, my biggest take away was also focusing on what brings you joy in your everyday life. I think this is a great thing to think about that we all probably don’t do as much as we should.

  2. Hey John,
    Your reflections on Arathi’s presentation and the BMC workshop were very relatable. I think it’s cool though you’re working on your own game with Adam. It’s also great you were able to demo the game at the main venue. I watched the video and it sounds pretty compelling, I hope the rest of that venture goes amazing for you!

  3. Hey John! I liked your views on the BMC workshop. I also found it very interesting in how you really need to evaluate every aspect of your customer before anything else. Also that is so awesome about Seattle! Were you guys able to get much out of it? Did people like your game?

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