Journal Entry #9

Reflect on your interview process.

  • Drop a few of your questions here. 
    • “What are the biggest challenges people face within NFTs?”
    • “What makes a good utility?”
  • What were some of the answers? 
    • “Filtering of honest vs paid information, lots of influencers in the space that are honest, but plenty that are just looking to pump their bags. It’s hard to go against the grain and sit something out when you see red flags not many others do.”
    • “Something that provides real value to the project. The utility needs to allow the NFT value to grow and provide legitimate revenue, that is the goal.”
  • What did you learn?
    • These two questions gave me a lot of insight on what some of the biggest pains in the community are and what people really want to see for a utility.
  • Do you feel like your interviews were successful? Why or why not?
    • Yes I do, I think my interview questions really helped me development empathy for my customer, I am also a customer which made it easier to relate and recognize the common issues people were reporting.
  • What would you do differently next time?
    • I would have focused it more on how to start the project. Such as, when to open the discord? When to announce mint details? I now know these things, but it would have been better to know at the start.
  • Ask your peers for feedback on your interview process and/or interview questions here.
    • Feedback in comments please!
  • Outside of E&I this week.
    • Not a lot, just spent more time on the Pixies and got to go hiking one of the days.

2 thoughts on “Journal Entry #9

  1. Hey John,
    It’s cool that you were able to draw useful information from your interview questions, and it’s great that you believe them to be a success. I am still very much a novice at these interviews but some helpful feedback might be to really think about all the possible paths a potential interview question can take you on as far as the information you will be able to extract. Wish I had more in-depth feedback to give but it seems like you know what you’re doing. Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey John!
    I am sure your interview process was crazy! Especially the people who knew nothing about NFT’s. Great job on your project though, you and Adam have done awesome things this quarter!

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