Venture Project 2: UniLink

After a long quarter my group and I are proud and relieved to finally complete our VP2 project. It was all our first times on the VP2 project and it went great. We helped each other whenever it was needed and for the most part worked very efficiently. We first located a common problem many people are experiencing right now during the pandemic, which is meeting new people and making friends. Especially at college it can be a bummer with this pandemic and not being able to get the full college experience. Thats how we came up with our venture UniLink, an app for others to socialize and connect virtually and in person. The app acts as a basic social media with a home feed, profile page, notifications, explore page, and direct messaging. The main section for the app is the events. We post events for students to sign up for virtually and in person, they can pick. This allows new students who are struggling to make friends meet others and connect. Below is the link to our google drive with all our research and requirements for the project. Thanks!

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