Journal Entry #1

Going into my third quarter of E&I I believe I am still learning more and more on how important the culture of belonging mission statement really is. Last quarter when asked this question I just kind of explained what it meant, but this quarter I am really starting to grasp the importance. This program is like no other in that everyone is so welcoming and wants to make you aware of that. For me the statement is just a way to let the new students know that we will never judge you and this is a pretty open minded place where you can share your thoughts, even in the middle of class to everyone. To answer the original question, culture of belonging to me means that everyone is welcome and we use that as a statement because we want to aware the new students about this so maybe they are not scared to say something out loud. Preparing for success, I am just getting back into the work flow and working hard on VP1 so I will be all warmed up for VP2. For my E3 journey this quarter I just hope to gain some new insight and knowledge on how to be the best entrepreneur I can. I guess if I had to pick a spark it would be just trying to make money. Ever since I was a kid I have been doing whatever to make some money in different side hustles, now that has mostly changed to strictly stock trading and reselling goods online. That is what sparks my entrepreneurial interest. For a # learning objective I will be taking into next week is the culture of belonging. I think it is super important in these first two weeks to be very welcoming of the new students, because this first week jumping into VP1 can be stressful and hectic. If we do not show them this is a welcoming and even relaxed environment, then I worry it may scare off newer students.

3 thoughts on “Journal Entry #1

  1. That’s great that you want to keep the E1’s in mind and feeling as welcome as possible. I’m only an E2 at this point, so that first crazy week is still pretty fresh in my mind. I definitely appreciated how welcoming and helpful all the upper E levels were!

  2. Totally agree about the culture of belonging statement! It is super important to have in a class like this and helps guide us in how to be welcoming and how to help others grow around us.

  3. Hello!
    I completely agree that I’m always learning something new in this class and feel so welcomed by everyone. I wish you luck on the rest of VP1 and starting VP2 next week!
    Katelynn Melia

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