Applying for the same job as your friend.

This is so hard for me. Especially since I did recently take what I thought was an upward career move over my best friend. We weren’t competing for the same job, but I had to move out very quickly and last minute. For starters, I’m gonna make some assumptions. First, I will assume this is a very close friend, I’ll say I’ve known her since elementary school. I was at their wedding, etc. Secondly, I’m assuming this new job would give me a huge income boost, but if I decline the job I’m still doing ok financially.

Kant Philosophy:

If I was following Kant, I would be unable to interview at this time. The job posting is only internal, meaning if I apply, I’m breaking the rules and have an unfair advantage against other outside candidates. It’s also unfair to the company’s employees, like my friend’s husband, who should be considered before bringing in outside talent. I would also tell the VP “My friend XYZ is interested in the same position and I won’t interview until it’s posted externally.”

Utilitarianism (Mill)

For this scenario, I’m going to assume I’d be better for this position than my friend’s husband. If I was following Utilitarianism, I would have to interview and eventually accept the job. Utilitarianism is about the greater god over individual needs. Some would argue the greater good is allowing my friend to close his house and start his family. However, if this company is a non-profit, hospital, or even a company manufacturing company making something essential. Than guiding their PR team would be the greater good. If I was better at the hospital PR job, not to sound overdramatic, but lives could be saved. Example- I post on socials the warning signs of a heart attack, and through algorithms it reaches are target audience of men over 50. Tedd, 57, might see this ad on his way to work. Later that day, he remembers seeing the warning signs and recognizes that he’s about to have a heart attack. Again, this is a dramatic retelling, but it makes the case under utilitarianism, my friend’s family may not be the greater good.


I would actually follow the golden rule- treat other the way you want to be treated. I would accept the interview- I personally believes interviews never hurt anyone. I would tell my friend’s family that I was approached but I’m taking the job. I know hw much this means to my friend and their spouse. I would then bring salt, wine and bread when they close on their house. I picked the golden rule, because it seems the most ethical thing to do, but also I believe good inspires good. I wouldn’t want my friend taking a job I really want, especially if I was planning my future (house, kids, etc.) around this job.

Starbucks Celebrates 50 Years

This past September Starbucks celebrated their 50th Annivarsary. Coincidentally their annivasary falls on National Coffee Day, September 29, 2022. Interestingly, the US and Canada celebrate coffee on the 29th, while the rest of the world celebrates on International Coffee Day on October 1st.

On September 27th, Starbucks released a press release about how customers can receive a free cup of Pike Place Roast brewed coffee at select locations on National Coffee Day in honor of the company’s 50th anniversary. Alternatively, people can receive a free Pike Place Roast packaged coffee for home by visiting their website on National Coffee Day.

Starbucks also said it’s Reserve locations in Seattle, Chicago and New York would be participating in the promotion.

Several local news sites picked up the Starbucks story including KSAT News, ABC’s San Antonio affiliate. Also NBC affiates in Chicago and Tampa also picked up the story. USA TODAY also covered Starbucks in a more broad piece about National Coffee Day giveaways.

I think news organizations where the reserves are located would be interested, NBC Chicago did run the story. As well as markets where there are a lot of Starbucks locations, and where Starbucks dominates the market compared to Dunkin’.

It’s also a free recognizable item. That on its own draws attention. I remember reading an article about it on my Google feed, but I ended up not going because I figured the line would be long and the nearest location was 20 mins. from my house. I would make the trek for half-off drinks during happy hour and buy one get one Frappuccinos around Cinco De Mayo.

Starbucks Stories, that’s what they call their newsroom.


San Antonio



McDonald’s Employee of the Month

I wanted to talk about social theory, so I tried to find a company that utilizes social theory. It was a little difficult, I know companies use employee of the month all the time, but I couldn’t find proof. Walmart wanted me to sign-in using a Walmart email to view their newsletter.

So I thought I’d lean on my previous experience working at a McDonald’s in Sunnyside, Washington. I started working there in March 2021. It wasn’t until four months later that we even did employee of the month. I unfortunately was never employee of the month. I tried to win it for August after I found out, but then I gave up because I had to move back to Bellingham in September.

Obviously the McDonald’s I worked a did not effectively utilize social theory, or I was under a rock.

I like social theory because mimicking behavior to repeat a desirable outcome is interesting to me. We all feel a need to fit in, and social theory plays into that need to fit in. It may be unethical, but it’s ok, I haven’t taken ethics yet, but I think it would be really cool to see how PR/advertising was able to market a product so well that if someone didn’t have one or buy one you’d be missing out. But now I’m roaming into fomo or fear of missing out.

The least interesting theory to me is the magic bullet theory. Mainly because its been discredited. I think it’s great to learn from but its not practical in PR today. There is no magic bullet to influence every single audience.