This past September Starbucks celebrated their 50th Annivarsary. Coincidentally their annivasary falls on National Coffee Day, September 29, 2022. Interestingly, the US and Canada celebrate coffee on the 29th, while the rest of the world celebrates on International Coffee Day on October 1st.
On September 27th, Starbucks released a press release about how customers can receive a free cup of Pike Place Roast brewed coffee at select locations on National Coffee Day in honor of the company’s 50th anniversary. Alternatively, people can receive a free Pike Place Roast packaged coffee for home by visiting their website on National Coffee Day.
Starbucks also said it’s Reserve locations in Seattle, Chicago and New York would be participating in the promotion.
Several local news sites picked up the Starbucks story including KSAT News, ABC’s San Antonio affiliate. Also NBC affiates in Chicago and Tampa also picked up the story. USA TODAY also covered Starbucks in a more broad piece about National Coffee Day giveaways.
I think news organizations where the reserves are located would be interested, NBC Chicago did run the story. As well as markets where there are a lot of Starbucks locations, and where Starbucks dominates the market compared to Dunkin’.
It’s also a free recognizable item. That on its own draws attention. I remember reading an article about it on my Google feed, but I ended up not going because I figured the line would be long and the nearest location was 20 mins. from my house. I would make the trek for half-off drinks during happy hour and buy one get one Frappuccinos around Cinco De Mayo.
Starbucks Stories, that’s what they call their newsroom.
Great job. Very thorough – and I agree. I often see stories about a place I like offering free product, but almost never go because of lines. Or, sometimes, because there is no outlet in Bellingham.