Spontaneous friendships, surfing, more pigeons and more dogs

A few nights ago, I was looking for a particular restaurant with Fado, a form of Portuguese music. The restaurant turned out to be closed, but there was a couple from Poland looking for the same place, so I struck up a conversation with them and asked if they wanted to go to dinner elsewhere.

We ended up at a brand-new Italian place, shared pizza and sangria, and were gifted a free dessert! It turns out that my new friends just moved to Portugal two weeks ago, because it was not safe for them to be openly gay in Poland. One of the men was asking me about all of these different places in San Francisco — I truly think he might know more about San Francisco than I do.

He explained that when he was young, it was his biggest dream to go to San Francisco because of how LGBTQ+ friendly the city is. He imagined that, unlike in Poland, he could be himself without bullying or abuse if only he lived in San Francisco. His enthusiasm for SF and strong yearning to visit moved me so deeply. It moves me to think about how different our perceptions of the same city are. For me, San Francisco is a place I don’t think twice about; I occasionally go there for burritos or dim sum, my dad used to work there, I sometimes fly from its airport…

For my new friend, San Francisco represents a utopian safe-haven that fervently juxtaposes the homophobic society he suffered through as a child and young adult.

Anyone who has ever gone swimming with me might find this difficult to believe, seeing as I fear simply jumping into water, but I (sort of) went surfing! At my hostel’s breakfast (which, by the way, is cheap and delicious), two guys said that they were leaving to go surfing in 15 minutes, and asked if I wanted to go. Coincidentally, I had woken up that morning with a yearning to swim (probably due to how strong the hostel heat is), so I figured I would go with them and maybe just take a dip. We took the train to a beach 30-ish minutes away called Carcavelos, where we rented surfboards and wetsuits. I didn’t stand up or anything, but I had plenty of fun “surfing” on my stomach in the smallest waves I could find. It felt SO good to try something I’m scared of, get some solid exercise, and just be in the salty water.

This is actually some random surfboard, not the one I used, but you get the idea 😉

I also went to the farmers’ market and saw the biggest avocados I have ever seen in my life. I talked with and bought some soap from an older Portuguese gentleman, and when we said goodbye, he said: “You are so kind. I will never forget you.” :’) I will never forget him either!

I have been loving learning Portuguese and practicing everywhere I go. I still barely know any words, but I am slowly widening my vocabulary and trying to mimic the mannerisms, accents and quirks of the language. For instance, I thought that “bom dia” meant good morning, but as I noticed people saying it to me at all hours, I learned that it is also commonly used more generally to mean good day.

I keep seeing this puppy all around town (this was at the laundromat)! If I understood his human correctly, his name is Topi (that is, the dog’s…I should ask the human for his name next time). Unfortunately I am currently hangry and don’t know how to write the previous sentence any more clearly but hopefully you know what I mean.
Everywhere you look there are little pockets of beauty…from here you can see Castelo de Sao Jorge, the castle I was at last week (where the peacocks were).
incredible meal on green street, a jungle-like alleyway full of plants: gnocchi with butternut squash, spinach, pesto, balsamic glaze and breadcrumbs
pigeons <3 (pombas/pombos in Portuguese…although I don’t know how to tell the difference between male and female pigeons)
view while waiting for the restaurant bathroom
There are so many citrus trees here
The lighting is so beautiful that even random stuff looks ethereal
Even though I pass this arch multiple times a day, I can’t help but stop and stare each time.


  1. Abby Andersen Reply

    JORDAN. I am not kidding – I was sitting at my desk wondering when I’d get the next email about you updating the blog. Thank you for sharing all these adventures :,). I admire you so much and love all your stories about the people you meet! GO JORDAN !!!!! Big love and KISSES

    • careyj6 Reply

      AHHHH ABBY I LOVE AND MISS U SO DEARLY!!!!! we must be on the same wavelength <3 xoxo

  2. Amy Schoenblum Reply

    Beautiful! I love the colors and video clips as seen through your eyes. XO

    • careyj6 Reply

      love and miss you so much! <3

  3. Annabelle Reply

    Whenever I read these I think my heart is physically swelling from joy. I love you. Also love the relevant reading material next to your gnocchi.

    • careyj6 Reply

      STOP IT u literally can’t say stuff like that (crying) (love you) (thanks, the book is great…hope to post some quotes soon)

  4. Stella Reply

    Ah, Jordan! These are so good… I sent you a text a few days ago thinking you left later lol. I sometime mix up dates. I’m so happy for you! I love reading about your experiences, but I can’t wait to hear them in person. Miss you! Keep having fun and stay safe.

    • careyj6 Reply

      You are the best Stella <3 much love

  5. Farmer frank Reply

    You are a true LGTBTQIA+ ally dear Jordan. I check this blog daily (sometimes multiple time a day) for updates. I am sure there is a way for me to subscribe but I like checking back everyday when I think of you, usually in the morning when I imagine you coming down the stairs singing. I miss you. I love you. Keep taking pictures of pigeons.

    • careyj6 Reply

      FRANKSTER you are too sweet, miss and love you dearly <3 you can subscribe in the bottom right corner from your laptop, but feel free to stay off-the-grid with your blog-checking 😉

  6. Bella Reply

    This is incredible! I love all your little observations and all the friends you’ve made (human and animal). It looks so gorgeous there ahhh!

    • careyj6 Reply

      THANK YOU <333

  7. Debbie Reply

    Hi Jordan,
    I just got the link to your blog from your mom, and I’ve so enjoyed reading and seeing your posts! You are off on such an exciting adventure. I really admire how you are so open to meeting new people who you share meals and excursions with – kol hakovod! You are also a really good photographer; we can all explore Lisbon vicariously through your photos and videos – thank you! Looking forward to reading more soon.

    • careyj6 Reply

      This is the nicest comment ever, thank you SO much Debbie!!! <3

  8. Brayden Raab Reply

    Loved reading this Jordan. You rock.

    • careyj6 Reply

      BRAYDEN!!! <3 I hope you are thriving

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