
Once there was a small girl who had no friends and didn’t have the network to help make her dreams into a reality. She would go into the library at lunch and curl up in a secluded corner with her books to read the time away. After a while, she got so used to the small corner that she forgot what it was like to hang out in the sun with no walls around her. This was her way of dealing with the pain that she was feeling. If she just kept hiding in the corner, the loneliness wouldn’t be able to find her. For a time that peace lasted and the girl wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t sad or hurting. But then one day her corner wasn’t able to keep her safe anymore. The loneliness and pain found her and she lost all of the support she had built in that secluded cave of a corner. The girl ended up falling into a darkness that she couldn’t climb out of on her own. But she didn’t have any friends to help her climb out either. It was so dark and cold, but the worst part was how alone she found herself. The dreams she had once held as a child always had others in the image. Without those hands reaching out to help her achieve her goals, there was nowhere to go and the future looked to bleak. As she crawled out of the corner, she realized that she needed to find what happiness meant to her. She went on a journey and talked to many different people from all walks of life to understand where they found their joy in life. But it was a conversation with her father that gave her the understanding of herself to find her sense of joy. He said that his joy came from his kids, her. It was a powerful conversation that lasts in her memory for years to come.  From that moment on, she found her joy in the people that she cared about and surrounded herself with.

That little girl was me. I have had so many people help me find and chase my dreams up to this point in my life, that now I want to continue that chain and help others find their dreams. This website will follow my journey onwards and the people that I connect with. I hope to see you on that journey, and if not please enjoy using this site to gather ideas!