Week II

Another week completed. I feel as if the days go by as if a slug is the one controlling time, but the end of the week and deadlines still manage to sneak up on me. This week was especially difficult though, I found myself wondering if I had the drive and the skills that I see in all my classmates. This quarter I am a part of a group putting on an event. And since the class is online, we must put on a virtual event. That has been a huge nerve-raking fear and source of anxiety for me.

But I found a part of myself one night this week when I was playing a Jack box game with my friends. It was a silly prompt, like they all are, to create a solution to a problem, make a title and tagline, and then present it. Now, I am not the best at coming up with solutions to WICKED problems, and I also haven’t been able to think outside the box that the quarantine has put us in. But by the end of the game, I was laughing my butt off with everyone else. It was amazing to see the ideas that we came up with and had to pitch all within ten minutes. That night I was pushed in a new way to remember all the small skills that we had learned over the past quarters, and I was shown how to laugh and smile again, even when physically separated from my friends.

So, what did I love? I loved connecting with my friends and being reminded of how cool they all are. But more importantly, I connected with all my fellow E3s after that, and we created a solid plan for our event. I am now feeling so much more confident and positive. I know we can pull off something amazing! I think moving forward though, I am going to need to watch myself and trust the others on my team. They are an awesome group of people who can do amazing things, WITHOUT me watching over their shoulders. In the one meeting that we’ve had we have accomplished so much, and I am beyond words to say how grateful I am to be working with all of them.

As we continue through the quarter, I am looking ahead to see where our team with possibly hit speed bumps and the storming areas. I want to address some of those issues before they become issues. With a group this large, I hoping we can keep it smooth sailing and preform like no group has before. I also have loved where we grabbed ideas and content creation from everyone and everywhere. It has been really interesting putting everyone’s ideas together. (Even when we didn’t believer that we were creative before!)

Going forward, our group has created a google survey for our pre-prototype and would LOVE everyone’e feedback! Here’s the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuSI0Xy22v43zkg1C3hlGlX-KeXI-vmSkcqSeykSCvFq1A4g/viewform?usp=sf_link

See ya on the flip side,

Healani 😉

3 thoughts on “Week II

  1. I honestly think its pretty amazing what a fun break can do. In my experience when my thinking gets too narrow it takes something silly to widen my view back up, and it sounds like you had a pretty similar experience. I also relate to having difficulty just trusting others when working on a project. It’s tough, and as far as I can tell there’s no cure-all, but you got this. (also I took the survey)

  2. I’m so glad that you’re feeling more comfortable letting go and trusting your teammates! I too can relate to not being able to step back sometimes lol. I love that you were able to connect with friends and let loose for a bit during this crazy week, Jackbox is so fun even in quarantine!

  3. I love that you were able to seek positives and connect with your friends and team. I hope that confidence continues! I noticed that although you mentioned your concern for your own drive at the beginning, it doesn’t seem to be resolved later on. Is this something you are still working on?
    To me, it sounds a lot like “imposters syndrome” where the farther we succeed, the more we feel out of place, undeserving. What I can say to this is to trust the people around you. You trust Meg and the Teaching Team, correct? You trust them to let you know what grade you deserve, how and what to learn, and to spot issues that might affect your career. Trust that they are showing you your place. You deserve to be here, not in spite of but BECAUSE of your drive.

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