Week VII

Oh man, the event went really well. We had some hiccups with technology on the first day, and some low attendance at points, but overall I thought that it went smashingly for one of the first events of it’s type. We had a lot of stress and problems the week running up to the event. It was hectic and filled with late night calls and last minute changes. This was a sprint that kicked all of our butts, and gave us so much to learn and think about. But we pulled it off and supported each other as much as we could! It was amazing to be apart of! I cannot thank and tell all my teammates just how much they helped me. It is indescibable. Moving forward, we have practice pitch on Monday, Change Leadership the next weekend, Pitch, and Learning Journey Video. We finished up a huge portion of the work, but now we have even more to do. These last few weeks are going to be a lot of work, but Lead has started on a schedule already and are prepared for the upcoming Chaos. We are going to kill it! I am so stocked to compile everything that we have worked our hearts out on.

One piece that I have to be excited about is sending out the stickers and thank you cards. It is going to be amazing! Marketing and Outreach have done so much work, and I am excited to show that to the presenters. Thank you for all of the work that you have done and all of the people that came and participated this weekend.

Here’s a video for this week!

4 thoughts on “Week VII

  1. Really glad to hear that your event went well! I am happy that I was able to attend a few of the events. That must be a nice weight lifted off your shoulders. I totally agree with you that this past week has been crazy! I am sure that you will get everything done one time. I can’t imagine how crazy it was to create an event online. Great job I thought it was awesome!

  2. We did it!! I honestly can’t believe we pulled it off! Pretty sure the zoom call that me, Meg, Amelia, and Sarah had starting 2 hours before the event that lasted alllll the way up until the event started took like 10 years off my life lol but we got it all working mostly in time๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ We’re in the final sprint of the quarter!! SO Close!

  3. YES!!! So proud of all you guys continue to achieve. Iโ€™m so ready to see this pitch, but more importantly Iโ€™m so excited to see it in the live pitch off! It will be such a great opportunity to share your success with the public.

  4. Hell yeah you did it! You guys freaking killed it and even though there’s a decent amount of work left before the end of the quarter you guys are gonna kill that too. I always find the end of the quarter to be the hardest part cause I at least am mostly running on fumes at a time when there’s more work than ever but I’m glad it sounds like you guys are on top of your work.

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