Getting Curious

I may have panicked this week. I don’t know what I want to do or how to get there. It has been a very stressful week and I was not prepared for my brain to be do angry. But we had many sessions in which I found support and caring companions within the class. I reached out for help and people were there to listen, even if they couldn’t take away my struggle. That seems like a very large thing that I got to learn this week. It feel important and I am so thankful that I have taken to trusting the process. And so I will take my time and continue struggling towards a project that is waiting for me. I also was able to connect with multiple other students to set up interviews and create connections that I am treasuring. All this leads me to believe that I have deepened my understanding of empathy and alignment. It also helped listening to the guest speakers the last few weeks.

As for how IdeaGrit and Major Definite Purpose are sitting right now, I don’t know. I am searching to find where I fit within those and they are constantly in the back of my brain. But I don’t think I have found them yet. These are big and overarching questions that help to guide us and I am trying to use them to find my perfect fit.

As for my venture I am still searching for it. There are a lot of places of growth and pains within myself that I am exploring and searching through. We will see where I end up and I am excited to find the answers to these questions, as I am sure they will lead to many more questions. Ugly But Tasty is right on the horizon and I’m sure that I’ll have something super ugly to show, but I can’t wait to hear about the piece that spark interesting in others. So future here I come. Let’s dive into the unknown.

Here’s the song I feel right now:

A Doosie

Hey y’all, you might know you might not, but this week we have a LOT to talk about. Let’s just say I have been feeling mighty overwhelmed and increasingly stressed from this class this week. I love ENTR, but man they don’t let anything slide and the amount of work that can be thrown at you to do within the shortest time frame possible is something I have only experienced in this class. With that in mind I hope you stick with me and let’s go on an ADVENTURE!

Prompt #1:

I am gearing myself up and trying to take care of myself so that I can power through all the online pieces of the world these days. There are planners and ideas and journals everywhere around me. They all have different purposes and some overlap, but it’s all to keep me grounded and motivated to stay engaged. As for this quarter, i expect a lot of uncertainty and change. I have no idea what I am doing with my life and COVID has thrown everything that I wanted to do out the window. So this is going to be another quarter that I just have to trust the process and know that I am being lead to somewhere I can thrive. Even if I am being lead blindfolded right now. I want to make change and create something positive and long-lasting. That being said, I believe it means that I need to take my time and learn what it is I want to create. Being patient and slow is not my speed, but I really want to find something to care about enough to give it my passion and a lot of time in my life. My sparks: global connections, listening to people and growing their passions, books, adventures, living life for the joy, animals, relationships, empathy, hope. How do I explain my life in just a few sparks. How do I narrow down my field and find the questions to ask. What problems are out there that just I can solve.

Prompt #2:

I believe I answered most of prompt 2 in my last Journal Entry, so we will be skipping this one!

Prompt #3:

Soooooo, the E4 exam. That was probably more challenging because I made it so. But it still took a lot of energy and time to dissect something that gave as little information as possible throughout. True West Ventures is an interesting deep dive, but also what the heck you have NO information online. Your business model SUCKS to research. But it was very informative into how much work I feel I need to put into any project that I care about. I really will dive as deep and as far as I can if I hold any interest in the topic at hand. As for creating a venture myself, I still feel like I have no idea where I am in a very dark forest. And SWOT and PESTLE are still fairly easy, I don’t feel that I learned anything more about how to use them from this project. What did I learn this week? I learned that even if you don’t have a fully fleshed out business venture you can still have more online than Tim. If he wants to reach out to the younger generation or the internet natives, then he needs to get himself online and active. But that’s all in the past now, I’m ready to move forward with what I did learn and make the most of this quarter.

See y’all on the flip side!

Venture Project 1 Fall 2020

And so it begins. Hello to my new classmates and to everyone else to finds this blog, hello to you too.

I want to start off and say this community is amazing and I really want to keep it engaging and fun so if anyone has any ideas or comments please, interact with me and let’s connect!

But to move on to the topic at hand, VP1. Man it was a dozy. Every time we do this project I’m thrown and I get so much energy from the innovation and connections that we make, but it also takes every ounce of my soul. I throw everything into that project and it feels pretty good to have such a great outcome. But as we are here to talk about the learning that went on, I will dive into that. My group was high engagement and we worked out a pretty good system. It was highly effective and I was able to learn about a different side of the team as I didn’t lead this project. A piece that I wasn’t super excited about was the interviews. I am very much lacking in the department of interview and the questions you ask to get to the information that you want. I would love to get better at that and change my weakness into strength. As it turns out, I felt really good during the post-prototype interviews and feel as though I knocked them out of the park.

So what did I love, I loved my team and the work they put in. I love the idea that we came up with and the cool interviews I got to do because of it. I loved making a product whose purpose was to bring kids joy. What did I want to have this week? I would have wanted to meet with my team more and of course I would have loved to meet with them in person if we hadn’t been inside a pandemic.

As for what’s next, we’ll see. It’s quarter four for me, so I’m off to make something entirely myself and to see if I have what it takes. It’s exciting and nerve-raking, so wish me luck, and we’ll see you next week.

P.S. Here’s some sick toons I’ve been listening to this week.