Venture Project 1 Fall 2020

And so it begins. Hello to my new classmates and to everyone else to finds this blog, hello to you too.

I want to start off and say this community is amazing and I really want to keep it engaging and fun so if anyone has any ideas or comments please, interact with me and let’s connect!

But to move on to the topic at hand, VP1. Man it was a dozy. Every time we do this project I’m thrown and I get so much energy from the innovation and connections that we make, but it also takes every ounce of my soul. I throw everything into that project and it feels pretty good to have such a great outcome. But as we are here to talk about the learning that went on, I will dive into that. My group was high engagement and we worked out a pretty good system. It was highly effective and I was able to learn about a different side of the team as I didn’t lead this project. A piece that I wasn’t super excited about was the interviews. I am very much lacking in the department of interview and the questions you ask to get to the information that you want. I would love to get better at that and change my weakness into strength. As it turns out, I felt really good during the post-prototype interviews and feel as though I knocked them out of the park.

So what did I love, I loved my team and the work they put in. I love the idea that we came up with and the cool interviews I got to do because of it. I loved making a product whose purpose was to bring kids joy. What did I want to have this week? I would have wanted to meet with my team more and of course I would have loved to meet with them in person if we hadn’t been inside a pandemic.

As for what’s next, we’ll see. It’s quarter four for me, so I’m off to make something entirely myself and to see if I have what it takes. It’s exciting and nerve-raking, so wish me luck, and we’ll see you next week.

P.S. Here’s some sick toons I’ve been listening to this week.

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