Getting Curious

I may have panicked this week. I don’t know what I want to do or how to get there. It has been a very stressful week and I was not prepared for my brain to be do angry. But we had many sessions in which I found support and caring companions within the class. I reached out for help and people were there to listen, even if they couldn’t take away my struggle. That seems like a very large thing that I got to learn this week. It feel important and I am so thankful that I have taken to trusting the process. And so I will take my time and continue struggling towards a project that is waiting for me. I also was able to connect with multiple other students to set up interviews and create connections that I am treasuring. All this leads me to believe that I have deepened my understanding of empathy and alignment. It also helped listening to the guest speakers the last few weeks.

As for how IdeaGrit and Major Definite Purpose are sitting right now, I don’t know. I am searching to find where I fit within those and they are constantly in the back of my brain. But I don’t think I have found them yet. These are big and overarching questions that help to guide us and I am trying to use them to find my perfect fit.

As for my venture I am still searching for it. There are a lot of places of growth and pains within myself that I am exploring and searching through. We will see where I end up and I am excited to find the answers to these questions, as I am sure they will lead to many more questions. Ugly But Tasty is right on the horizon and I’m sure that I’ll have something super ugly to show, but I can’t wait to hear about the piece that spark interesting in others. So future here I come. Let’s dive into the unknown.

Here’s the song I feel right now:

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