
Man, if you want to know what I am proud about, check out this assignment that I completed. I am always amazed at the incredible people that I get to connect to during this project. I’ll be posting about the people I meet over the next few weeks with links to their sites and projects. I really hope that you can appreciate these wonderful people like I do. I am going to say this again, but I love this project.



Keep Chuggin Along!

Let’s see what di I love this week? I loved getting to interact and watch all the different types of shift and shares there were. It was incredible getting to sit through them and just watch my amazing teammates passions come to life through the class. I also loved getting to be in a small group of students that just got some time to step aside and help each other on our projects. That was an incredible feeling and I got some amazing feedback. We all reached out and found the help that we needed at that time.

Somethings that really resonated with me from the workshops are just how you can develop skills and showcase new knowledge. There was a workshop that was purely lecture based and that was incredible. They gave so much information and I was able to understand that points that they wanted to get across. But then there was a workshop that was completely short assignment based. And as someone who learns more with the hands on approach I feel I learned more through their process. But both of those were incredibly helpful and awesome. I think this was one of the most interesting set of shift and shares that I have seen.

Moving forward with my venture, I am putting on the first event this week. So, I’m getting really prepared and making sure I have the pre-event BIC and test cards done. I really want to learn from this experience and find information to really help others. This week I really got help with putting my survey out there and know I can start into interviews as well. I am so hoping to find something valuable in my venture.

Here’s the poster for the event:



Shift and Share here we come!

I loved listening to the workshops and really getting to see some unique and different partnerships from other groups that my E level has formed before. It was also incredible to listen to the guest speaker this week. She had such passion and drive for what she was doing. It inspired me and made me want to dive into my own projects and industry to love them even more. I believe that she resonated with me more than the workshops this week did. I really did love all of class though. As for what I am going to apply to this weeks venture. Well, that would be my own work shop. I cannot wait to show it off. Zosia and I feel really confident about what we have put together.

As for what I would love to see in the future shift and shares, is more engagement and less lecture. I would also love to see things that are unique and wildly out of the box sometimes. It feels like shift and shares can get caught in a circle and you see very similar ones every quarter. I want to see more in-depth passions. But I really did think that the workshop/lectures put on were extremely helpful and created an amazing starting point for a lot of ventures.

As for things that sparked my interest this week, well that would be a secret as you will have to wait for Wednesday!

Goodness Me

I have reached out to Meg and Sarafima during class for help. They are amazing resources and I love being able to use them and connect. I also have been really connecting with my fellow E-levels as well. They have been amazing in terms of support and connections. I will be super sad at the end of this year when we all graduate the program. As far as evidence and customer discovery, those are in the works. I need to gather a lot more interviews and connections through surveys, but I feel like I’ll come out pretty strong in terms of all of them. If I need help I will probably reach out to me E-Level and Max. I have experience working with them and getting a lot of good feedback from them.

What have I learned from this past week? That people are excited and want to participate with my ideas. They are actively searching me out and asking to connect or showing interest in the events that I want to put on. I have learned a lot about coaching as well, but more so about how to be confident and jump into a plan that is only partially formed. The background story boards take a lot to put together and working with others on them is hard. But adaption and flexibility is key.

This is late and might not be cohesive but it is here from last week. (All the wordpress site were down)