Last Post of Fall 2020

How did this quarter go for you? What did you love? What do you wish would have gone differently?

This quarter was kind of like my own personal hell. I constantly was confused and turned around in where I wanted to be and what I needed to be doing. I understand the idea of “don’t steal someone else’s struggle” but honestly a little push or some ideation couldn’t have hurt me that much. But I also think I struggled so much because I didn’t have a team or an idea I was overly passionate about. I fell into a rut and by the time I came out I was already half way through the quarter. So, yeah, I have been overwhelmed and kind of shot from ever having to do this again. But the next quarter is already sneaking up on us, so I am going to get myself ready and set up for success.

What did I love? I loved the connection I got to my E level. It was so incredible to connect with other entrepreneurs that are working on their own projects, but supporting one another. It was amazing, and made me smile on so many days that it had been difficult to get out of bed. I also loved the speaker series. That was so good. Hearing and connecting to people that have already gone out into the world and done incredible things as entrepreneurs is something that inspires me every time I heard them.

Different? I would have joined a team and let myself be a team player again and not the ideator. I also would have changed the timeline for the E4 exam. Holding that immediately after VP1 means that none of us had the chance to get started on our own ventures in a real capacity until weeks 3 or 4. I also would make sure that the traction journal groups are running smoothly. As I write this post I have never had any of my members interact with any of my posts. And to be honest, that really sucks. Why am I writing this and asking for feedback and connection if no one is ever going to ready it? Another thing I would change is making a place to connect and get to know the other E levels and their projects. I had no idea what any one was doing and I would have loved to hear about the cool projects that people were doing way before now. There are so many things that I would love to adapt and change in the program. And there are even more that I would have changed in what I did, but at the end of the day I am proud of what I learned about myself and the amount of work it took me to get here. So thank you for the amazing quarter, I’ll see you again in 2021!

One thought on “Last Post of Fall 2020

  1. Awesome to see that you came through your rut and out and running on the other side!
    I know I personally went through something somewhat similar, and not to speak for anybody else, I think that a lot of us did. But you had the right idea and a positive enough headspace to realize it, come out of it, and kick as much ass as you could despite the fact.
    If that’s your spirit then being an entrepreneur seems like something that’s right up your alley <3

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