2 thoughts on “Appreciation – Week 8

  1. I liked your quote “A person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected” It is so true. This is really good advice for life and future ventures. And I have witnessed this effect first hand.

    Here are a few names I thought of for your venture off-hand:
    Newland Sync
    Community Connect

    As far as your prototypes, it makes me wonder what a prototype might look like for your idea. It could simply be an idea for a service with a comprehensive summary of it. And you have already developed those. I could be wrong but those could be considered prototypes.

  2. Healani!!

    First please watch this YouTube video that Taylor turned me onto the other day:



    If you need an teammate I am more than willing to be your accountability and personal cheerleader (not the annoying kind of cheerleader, the “I’m going to listen to and be there for you kind of cheerleader, rather) We could do lil 15 minute check ins each week?


    I have a challenge for you. For one of your videos I would love if you did like a Meet Healani segment. Where you introduced yourself to the world. But the challenge would be (and I know this could be extremely challenging at first) to talk about your strengths, your dreams, where you feel peace and safeness and your gratitude’s.

    You absolutely could be like Kristina, no. HAHA. And I would understand that 100% but this popped up for me when watching your latest videos and witnessing how much value you bring to the people around you.

    Lastly, you got this tomorrow!!!


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