The Beginning of the End

Welcome to the Community! For those joining us this quarter we will be demonstrating our knowledge and learning process through video! I hope you enjoy the first of this series! You can also test out a new feature that me and my roommate will be creating. Welcome to guided nature walks with Healani and Neeka! Sound link down below!

3 thoughts on “The Beginning of the End

  1. Hey Healani!
    Dude we did it, we are in E6! I’m glad you’re excited but I hear ya about being nervous. I think you’ll have community and support (at least you can always reach out to me!). Thank you for the new explanation of your project, I think it’s a very good idea. I’ve always wanted to know, how are the other shorter E&I classes? I took one but haven’t had time for any others. You will do so great this quarter! Great video and love the choice to measure your life in moments!


  2. Super cool to see the traction journal in video form! im excited to follow you along this quarter and see where your path takes you! also the guided nature walks are awesome! I love that quote by Vince Lombardi its really is true that you have to fail in order to grow. its true in everything you do, not just entrepreneurship. im really seeing a lot of people having truly loved this class as I talk to more of the E6s and im super excited to hear more or why that is and get to experience this class as an E1

  3. Super impactful video Healani. Thank you for this, you were very open and your explanations were well paced, clear, and inspiring! I really liked when you explained that you want to measure your success by moments of joy and growth in life.
    Many great thoughts and great quotes! A video so nice I watched it twice

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