Jump Start At Last

Hello again all! I am so excited to have you here again. This week has been a bit of a continuation of VP1 through the peer review. I did learn a lot about other people’s project and the amount of extra work that was needed for this assignment. (I did not feel it was totally fair to ask this of us, but it is over now and we can be better later.) Other than that we have the basics of a start for Council, but I have a lot of work to do to get it underway. Feel free to help me out by taking this survey here!

3 thoughts on “Jump Start At Last

  1. Hey Healani,
    Have I ever told you that you absolutely amaze me? I have been here to account for your strengths (empathy and love), your recognition of weaknesses, your ability to help others with no regrets, and the overall growth you’ve had is phenomenal. I am proud of you, I feel so reflective, you are a person I connected with right away and have always and will always appreciate. Let’s always be connected!
    Great plan for planning your life! I love it and I think it’s okay to not know where to go after the app. You’ll figure it out! Follow your heart and be true to yourself. I wish I could help you by joining your team, however, my workload is insane. As a leader of a project, I am happy to give advice or be a safe shoulder to cry on. I needed one last quarter so I’m well versed.

  2. Healani!
    I love the project you are working on and the passion you have for it, I think you have really made something special. I agree that you should try to find some interviews and chat with the target market you looking at, but that’s not always the easiest. Im excited for you to start assembling your team and really taking this product to market! as for what’s beyond this app? who knows! I don’t even know what I’m going to eat for breakfast so, you’re already 1 step ahead of out of us.


  3. “My true north is helping people and really getting out there to help them create their own solutions so that they can thrive in their own life.” This is amazinggg Healani, there are no many ways in which this can play out. I personally would imagine non-profits in your future, or perhaps even social services. Having talked briefly to a girl in her 20s last summer who works in social services, those jobs are extremely extremely hard but also very rewarding. I feel like your point of view of designing alongside people could be very useful in some sort of field like this working to help people. Elderly people could also be a huge career path for you, because those services are rising in prevalence with our aging population, and I feel like not a lot of young people are aiming to help this population who could definitely use some attention, empathy, and human-centered design. Just thinking as I go here, dedicating your being to this app should be your full focus if it’s your passion project, I just want to make sure you understand that your north star is very versatile from my pov. Cheers!

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