Finding Traction Within the Flames

Hello gang, great to see you all again!

This has been a pretty hectic week for me, but I am glad to be finally putting some of the pieces together of my project. I’ll be creating the basics of my website this week! I am so glad I got to watch the E4s presentations, those are always very unique and interesting. They knocked it out of the park, even if I wished to have interactive piece to it. I can’t wait to see what I learn this next week. 

Almost done y’all! Keep up the great work until the end!

The Final Change Leadership

Wow, this week was a lot of learnings. I am so amazed and impressed with the work we do to help one another grow and learn. I really loved doing the workshops and talking with my fellow E6s about the program. 

Here is a link to my Change Leadership assignment as well if you want to check that out!

This week is a super short update, but I hope you enjoy it!


The Vantage Point

Here is a link to my google drive with all my past change leadership assignments:

Here is The Vantage Point, My E6 Change Leadership Assignment:

Thank you so much for all the work and effort you out into this community. I am so thankful for the time I got to spend so deeply entrenched with you all. I hope we can continue being connected, and create more awesome ventures in the future together!