The Final Change Leadership

Wow, this week was a lot of learnings. I am so amazed and impressed with the work we do to help one another grow and learn. I really loved doing the workshops and talking with my fellow E6s about the program. 

Here is a link to my Change Leadership assignment as well if you want to check that out!

This week is a super short update, but I hope you enjoy it!


One thought on “The Final Change Leadership

  1. Dang, that’s a very wise quote by Pooh. My personal favorite Winnie the Pooh quote is “How lucky I am to have something which makes saying goodbye so hard”. Gave me a new perspective at the Budda’s ‘life is suffering’ because I realized that sadness is always born out of love. Anyways, it was a nice little video Healani. I would like to hear more about the pivot you are making!

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