Goodness Me

I have reached out to Meg and Sarafima during class for help. They are amazing resources and I love being able to use them and connect. I also have been really connecting with my fellow E-levels as well. They have been amazing in terms of support and connections. I will be super sad at the end of this year when we all graduate the program. As far as evidence and customer discovery, those are in the works. I need to gather a lot more interviews and connections through surveys, but I feel like I’ll come out pretty strong in terms of all of them. If I need help I will probably reach out to me E-Level and Max. I have experience working with them and getting a lot of good feedback from them.

What have I learned from this past week? That people are excited and want to participate with my ideas. They are actively searching me out and asking to connect or showing interest in the events that I want to put on. I have learned a lot about coaching as well, but more so about how to be confident and jump into a plan that is only partially formed. The background story boards take a lot to put together and working with others on them is hard. But adaption and flexibility is key.

This is late and might not be cohesive but it is here from last week. (All the wordpress site were down)

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