Shift and Share here we come!

I loved listening to the workshops and really getting to see some unique and different partnerships from other groups that my E level has formed before. It was also incredible to listen to the guest speaker this week. She had such passion and drive for what she was doing. It inspired me and made me want to dive into my own projects and industry to love them even more. I believe that she resonated with me more than the workshops this week did. I really did love all of class though. As for what I am going to apply to this weeks venture. Well, that would be my own work shop. I cannot wait to show it off. Zosia and I feel really confident about what we have put together.

As for what I would love to see in the future shift and shares, is more engagement and less lecture. I would also love to see things that are unique and wildly out of the box sometimes. It feels like shift and shares can get caught in a circle and you see very similar ones every quarter. I want to see more in-depth passions. But I really did think that the workshop/lectures put on were extremely helpful and created an amazing starting point for a lot of ventures.

As for things that sparked my interest this week, well that would be a secret as you will have to wait for Wednesday!

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