One Week Left

What did you see that you loved at pitches this week? What went well this quarter?

I loved seeing the first ventures that my fellow E4s put together. We all were on our own for the first time in the minor and that felt like a special moment. I also loved seeing how and what the E1s put together. I guess overall I was just excited to see what everyone in the quarter had put together. It felt like this was the first time I had heard and seen any of the projects outside my E level’s.

As for what went well, ummm right now it didn’t feel like anything went well. The only thing I can think that went well was the increase in connection and support I felt from my E level. After the last quarter I am so glad I got to create that event with them, but working as colleagues in a larger organization in different department helping each other out, feels way more natural. I am really enjoying the dynamic our team has at the moment. As for me, I am proud of how many times I got back up when I was downed. I feel battered and injured in my mind, but I was able to get up and try again each time. And that feels like the biggest accomplishment in the world right now.

Anyways, I now have the mountain of a work load to complete before VP2 is due, wish me luck!

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