2 thoughts on “2 Weeks Worth

  1. HEALANI!!!

    You are living your BOLDEST HOPE and I just feel so grateful to be there for a lil bit of your journey.

    Being on your VP1 team set the most solid of a foundation moving into this course as an E1. Your leadership meant the world to us.

    I also want to thank you for being vulnerable and open about how depression is something you constantly have to conquer. This hit home for me because I grew up with childhood depression and if I would have had the courage to be more vulnerable with those who loved me, that would have been a game changer. I am proud of your commitment to yourself and what success can look like despite depression.

    I loved the infographics on your post and really LOVE the way you presented your traction through video and PowerPoint. I will def being asking you how I can follow your lead on that.

    Rooting for you boldest hopes,

  2. I agree with you on VP1, we all worked so well as a group. You were definitely a fantastic leader for VP1, you always knew what to do next and offered us great advice on it.
    I think the fact that had been in the same position when you were an E1 I think really helped you lead our team.
    That’s interesting about our evidence locker. I didn’t realize that a lot was our work was not seen because it wasn’t organized right. I am going to learn from that.
    I am looking forward to seeing how you rebrand yourself.

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