Over Half Way There

Okie folks, here’s the update for the week. All feedback is welcome. And this week I would love to know if you have any friends that are immigrants, specifically if they were refugees. I would also love it if any of you were expert writers to help me craft my mission statement!

Lastly, the quote for the day is from Dr Suess. It is at the top of the page and reads, “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.” I have been holding this quote tightly to my person, and I hope you will too.

4 thoughts on “Over Half Way There

  1. Healani! First off, i absolutely love that you’ve chosen to use videos for you traction journal format. The layout and organization of this video makes it SO clear what you have been focused on. Second, I really appreciate the work you are putting into this venture and in narrowing into your goals & how you can achieve them. I agree that language is really important when talking about these issues and how you as a white person can address them without taking on the roles of a white savior, I’m super glad that’s in your focal point.
    Great work, you are so fully capable of making your goals happen here!!! Let me know if you ever want to chat or need support and I will be happy to do what I can to provide what I can:) keep it up!

  2. Amazing. So goo to see you make leaps and bounds towards finding your niche Healani!! Love that you can identify where you are going and where you are at. That makes is so much easier to start creating your path!

  3. Healani!

    I can express to you enough how much I love your video presentations. They are organized, thought out and easy for me to understand. And by speaking we call hear your passion. It’s actually amazing.

    The portion about coaching and leadership really hit hard for me. I understand where you are coming from.

    Also I am great at writing and would love to help you with your mission statement!


  4. I like your venture idea. It is quite original, especially to be done on a individual basis. I would be very interested to know how you go about finding people to interview for your venture.

    I wouldn’t discount you ability to be a coach. I think you did a very good job of being both and coach and a leader in our group.

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