And Another Me Bites the Dust

Hey peeps,

This week has been rough. I feel that I have gotten a lot of information and connection out of the week, but I have also been losing energy to continue doing school. I hope you all have more energy and ability to power through it as we get to the end. This video has a peaceful background cause I thought we needed it this time. So, take a deep breath, think about what has brought you love this week, and enjoy the video.

2 thoughts on “And Another Me Bites the Dust

  1. That is fantastic that you have someone there to help support you and to have you support. I also loved parchelles advice about learning to love your problem. Such a good way to stay on track.
    For your venture, I understand not wanting to come off as a “white savior”. Looking further into existing solutions might provide insight into how you can decide on your venture.

  2. Hi Healani!

    I love your commentary on gratitude. I grew up with childhood depression and it wasn’t until I learned about gratitude and took it on as a priority (I know I had to learn about it lol) that my life radically started to shift. I like to say gratitude is being able to see the beauty in the struggle. Gratitude journals have been a life saver literally in my life.

    Hearing about your partner and yours’s dynamic made my heart happy. It’s the give and take love for me 🙂

    Thank you so much for spreading that gratitude to those you coach it truly made the world of a difference to our team and I.

    I enjoyed your videos immensely. Thank you for showing up in the world so fully even tho I know it must be really really hard sometimes.

    Can’t wait to see what our future holds as entrepreneurs and change makers,

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