Last VP1 Complete!

Hey y’all, welcome to another episode with me. I am so glad that you are taking the time to listen to me and the ideas flying around my head each week. I hope you enjoy the sunshine, and the rain that Spring in Bellingham gives us. (I also have a new podcast for you to listen to as you walk through Whatcom Falls park, from the stone bridge.)

Nature Guided Walk through Whatcom Falls in the Spring

3 thoughts on “Last VP1 Complete!

  1. Hey Healani!
    I am so proud of you for winning VP1! That must feel awesome. As for feeling bad because you couldn’t provide the younger students with templates, I really think it’s okay. A big part of learning comes from personal discovery so I think it’ll be okay. Good job being a leader. I think you did exactly what a good leader does. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Congratulations on winning VP1 your team totally deserved it! it sucks that you had to stress over one of you group members but hey! even with the difficulties you were able to over come them and produce a great product! good job again!

    – Aidan

    p.s. the nature walks are awesome!

  3. Great summary Healani! You guys knocked it out of the park by getting 24 interviews? Where would I be able to find your VP1 prototype around the mental health resources? Sounds like you all put in a ton of work and overall you all should be so proud of the work you did at that point! (This is a random tidbit, but the only good piece of advice I’ve ever personally heard on parenting is roughly as follows: Commend your child for the work that they do, not the outcome which they achieve. If you praise them on the outcome then they will define themselves much more narrowly and feel like they have to be that in the future or else they are a failure. So just praise their hard work.)

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