2 thoughts on “Traction Agency

  1. Healani, I love that you are creating something uniquely you! Even though your life has thrown you curveballs and overwhelm, you keep your focus moving forward and flexible, this is so admirable! I know this time is stressful for you, but you are kicking ass at climbing the mountain one step at a time. Imo it is ok if your pitch and LJV are quite similar, perhaps in the pitch keep the story a little more general? Perhaps in the pitch you can make the process you’ve been through only a fraction of the pitch, and instead focus on what your mission is and why this is your mission? If I were watching a pitch I would like it to be more about who you are, what drives you, HOW you have responded to struggles (instead of what they were) and therefore what you have learned from the adversity, and also emphasize the next steps. Overall, in these 5 minutes I want to know what Healani is driven to do, how she has overcome struggles to get to the path she is on, and where that path is leading in the future. If you want someone to hear your pitch and offer feedback, hmu on teams. Cheers!

  2. Healani!

    I love how you said that you want to be able to be flexible and that’s your “because” I feel a strong connecting with what you said because that’s something I always struggle with.be able to be flexible with your path makes for a fruitful life. I remember a speaker who came in a spoke about how they wanted to have the ability to pivot whenever and that was their definition of entrepreneurship.

    I hope your pitch went well! sorry my comment was late 🙁


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