Week III

Man this week has been crazy. I have no idea where all the time has gone, but it also felt like this week was a thousand years long. This week we learned so much. During class on Wednesday, we learned about online marketing with Sarafima and wow that was incredibly helpful. The marketing and outreach team met up with her and found more tips and tricks to implement as we quickly start down our path for VP2. I loved seeing all the engagement from my teammates this week, along with diving into my own pieces of the pie. My goal after meeting with Sarafima was to create a landing page for the project, and I am so pleased to say that it is almost done after hours of work. But I absolutely adored learning how to use WordPress even more. It has been a huge challenge that I have learned so much from, all the website building I’m doing this quarter makes me feel accomplished and as if I have finally started the quarter. I’m so close to finishing this website page though. I wish I had managed to get it all done this week as we’re heading into another hectic week, but I will keep chugging along. Here’s a link to the page.

It’s been a journey y’all. (Also if you’re just reading this to comment, feel free to stop here. I’m going to talk about something that’s been on my mind this week and doesn’t necessarily relate to class. It also contains some triggering ideas to people.)

So, this week was a lot harder than most weeks. This week carries a lot of different emotions and memories with it. This week holds my mother’s birthday, one of my best friend’s birthdays, and one day that is both my sister’s birthday and the day a very close friend committed suicide. I can’t lie and say “I wasn’t affected,” I was. This week hurts. I managed to push through and give life my all, I even managed to push my pain away until the weekend. But it was hard, it was difficult. Normally, it’s a day that I grab some friends and go spend quality time outside with them. But this year, I was all alone. I’m not living with anyone at the moment and so I was left inside my head. This week takes a lot out of me. But it takes more in the weeks after it, when I’m tailed by ideas of failure and losing people I care about. I have a job to do in the coming weeks, but I’m not always sure how to explain and ask for grace during this time. So, instead, I’ll just push through and continue doing the work that is needed of me.

4 thoughts on “Week III

  1. Healani, wow.. What a week indeed. I feel like there really is so much going on. Time is moving sooo slow. Im trying to get all my stuff in order too but we got this! Happy to hear that you are getting your website up and running! Keep grinding.

  2. I’m glad you’ve been enjoying learning how to use WordPress! I’ve seen what I’m pretty sure is the landing page you talked about and it looks absolutely outstanding! (although I’m pretty sure the button in your post just links to this post) I’m going to be in the same boat of learning a new skill for my venture pretty soon and I genuinely hope I can manage to be as excited about learning that as you clearly are about learning to use wordpress!

  3. I’m so glad you’ve had fun creating the Creators Collide website! I know I’ve had fun working on it was well. I hope our E3 dinner is able to help you feel less alone at this difficult time. We’re all here going through many of the same things too, I hope you can find some comfort in that 😌

  4. I know there is lots of value in your content above, but I want to specifically address your last paragraph.
    That’s the thing about pain. It demands to be felt. John Green wrote these words, and I ask you reflect on it.
    How can anyone, your quad, teachers, family, friends, ask of you to push through, to not think about these pains, after knowing and understanding what you are feeling?
    We are conditioned to believe that school and work are above all else. That sick days are numbered and costly, and excused absences require an obituary notice. This is not true. We must stop giving school this power. School was intended to work for us, originally. You go to school to improve yourself, not because you owe the school your time.
    I hope you find peace, healing, and can allow yourself to feel what you need to feel.

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