Week IV

Not too much to update y’all on this week. It’s been pretty slow and I’m extremely thankful for the break. This week we got some awesome feedback from the Ugly But Tasty. It went really well in the groups I had and everyone seemed really excited for it. We did have an extra meeting after it to quell some fears that had arisen, but even that made me feel so much better and more confident about our event. As the date gets closer though, I get the feeling I am going to need to stay more ahead and on top of my assignments. I also feel that I am going to need more meetings with my groups. But that is for the future, right now I am going to be OK and happy with the progress we are making. Especially when we have been scheduled for another month of quarantine. I’m starting to feel like we’re never going to make it out of it. That being said, I am still trying to have confidence and positivity toward the world and things that are happening around it. This week I am also going to try and get a jump into my Change Leadership project. That activity always pushes me to find out more about myself and others around me. I’m excited to try it. The last thing I will leave you all with is a post I found interesting and has given me some things to think on. I’ve placed it at the top, but I encourage you to go read it again and give it time to sink in.


4 thoughts on “Week IV

  1. “I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night”
    That really sticks with me, but I’m not certain what it means to me yet.
    In a potentially related or totally unrelated note, I agree with you that stay at home orders feel endless. I’ve noticed myself dreading hearing peoples comments, even those I agree with. I know staying home is important, yet I hate reading on facebook about 2-7 year plagues. I don’t want people telling me these years I value so much could be taken.
    My “star in the night” so to speak has been opportunity orientation. What can you do now that you wouldn’t normally get to do? Do you have extra time? Do you get to take advantage of free trials and new art services online? I have found this time as an opportunity to make money, get back in shape, and experiment with cooking. All of these I am certain I would not be doing if I was at school with my 4 original classes this quarter.
    That is where my hope stems from, is the hope that I will exit from quarantine as a better version of myself.

  2. Our event is getting closer! I’m so excited and I feel so much better now that we’re starting to get performers confirmed and published. Amelia and I are planning on beginning social media promo this week too! I hope we can all work together as E3s on change leadership too, I think that would make it so much more fun!

  3. Heck yeah! I am really happy that given the circumstances you are still doing super well in school. Good idea to start on Change Leadership.. it really is super important to be on track with that. Hopefully we make it out of this quarantine soon!

  4. Gosh that picture and little poem are beautiful, the art and the words come together in a really great way, thank you for sharing it. I’m glad ugly but tasty went well for you, and that your group has been meeting consistently to make sure everyone is on the same page and confident. I think that sometimes you have to take a break from only meeting as a group to discuss forward progress and check in and we collectively forget to make sure we do that. I also genuinely like doing Change Leadership. It’s helped me before several times in several ways and even after I graduate the program I feel like I might go back to check in with myself by doing them every once in a while. I’m glad things calmed down and I hope the project and your other classes continue to go well for you!

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