Week V

This week has been slower which was nice, since I started to experience some issues with my computer. I can still watch videos and go to classes, but the keyboard has been randomly spazzing out along with a reboot or two. Classes have been getting harder as well. Even if the amount of assignments has gone down, I still feel overwhelmed and shaken. It is difficult with the venture too. We seem to be hitting some areas of storming and can’t quite see eye to eye on all the details. But I’m glad we’re storming, it means that everyone is passionate about the event and wants it to go well. That gives me hope. So as long as we all want this event to move forward and become the best it can be, I have hope and will continue to push myself and others to find the best options we can.

We are taking deeper looks at who our customer is and how to reach them. I believe that all our team wants is to bring people who are interested and excited about these things. We also are sending out thank you cards and stickers to our presenters and that is simply amazing. As a team we look at where we can create change and make a small piece of this event even better and safer. I think that’s about all I have for this past week. I hope you’re looking forward to the event, cause I am!

4 thoughts on “Week V

  1. Amelia and I are hyped about the opportunity to make stickers! It’s the little things sometimes lol. And yes thats a really positive outlook on storming. We are for sure a passionate group! I’d definitely rather have that than a crew that doesn’t care so I too am grateful for it!

  2. I completely empathize with you that sometimes storming is important. I think that it’s considered part of the teaming process not just because of course there will be conflict but because conflict can be important. Storming that is a result of clashing personalities is very different than storming because you disagree on the way to move forwards.
    I’m glad that you’re taking a good hard look at who your customer is. In my experience it can be tempting to cast a wide net and not check if you’re aiming it the right way but I think that understanding your customer is THE most important part of evidence based entrepreneurship.

  3. I love how you look at storming as passion, you are 100% correct. Storms create amazing things, and I can’t wait to see what comes of this event.

    What is continuing the cycle of feeling shaken and overwhelmed? I find it best to take a day to “diagnose” what’s going on, whether it be external, internal, or both.

    Let me know if you’d like to connect about any of this, I hope you can find calm, even in the midst of all this storming 🙂

  4. Very cool. I am so excited to see how it turns out!!! I think the addition of thank you notes is key. It is normal to not always see eye to eye with your team but sometimes that can help to create an even better project! Either way, you got this!

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